
how to set image width and height

tissatussa opened this issue · 7 comments

i'm on Xubuntu 22.04 and mdless compiles and runs well .. but image rendering is "raw", a 128x128 png is shown as big as half the page ! So, mdless does not interpret any width / height attributes : how to add those ?

also it's unclear to me what resolution and minimal image size we can expect : what can a terminal display ? I can use Xterm and Konsole, both terminals normally function well on my OS.

i installed Chafa before running mdless, as written on your webpage - i didn't know Chafa but default apt (by Synaptic) install went well .. should i adjust some setting for it ? attributes can be interpreted..

but i often see those attributes in files .. Okular seems to interpret them well, but Okular does not show remote images, i don't know why, for now a solution is your mdless tool .. Btw. i also encounter many files with inaccurate markdown (eg. no empty line, etc) so display will then be corrupt anyhow .. until now mdless seem to function / interpret OK, it even has coloring, which i like.

and is image display (although giving much too big images now) done on my OS by Chafa now ? how can i know ? And should i study Chafa and find / edit its settings, if possible ? I know very few terminal applications that display images in terminal - can you point me to more info about this topic ?

that's clear .. i'm not a beginner at Linux and i can do some config edit, module installs etc. but those display issues and techniques are new to me. I must be able to solve my issue now, thanks for the info, i learned lot about markdown today, and i found your mdless !