
Strange behaviour when opening in a "small terminal"

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mdless 2.0.23
Another problem with the tables.
When I open a file in a 80x24 terminal the long lines wrap as intended.
When I then extend the terminal window to say 132 the tables does not extend apart from the dashed lines even if the config.yml contains :width: 132
Clipboard 1

But, if I open the same file in the same 80x24 terminal with the -w 132 option in the command line, the lines wrap but when I extend the window they are displayed as expected
Clipboard 2

So it seems there is a problem with the :width: 132 in the config file and the way it is used.

If the specified number of columns is greater than the width of the
screen, it switches to using the screen width instead.

OK, but if I start with the default size of my terminal which is 80x24

  • if I put -w 132 in the command line the lines wrap but they are following the size of the window (maybe it is a side effect with gnome terminal)
  • if I put no option but :width: 132 is in the config file it has no effect. And as I understand it -w 132 in the command line or :width: 132 in config.yml should tend to the same behaviour

Edit: I just tested with xterm which behaves the same way.


It works now.
Thank you
Best regards