
Unable to initialialize notes database...

simonng2 opened this issue · 8 comments

in ~/Library?Application Support/NotationalData because your account lacks permission to access this directory

When I try to choose another folder - nothing happens.
Can nyone assist please?
I am running Mojave 10.14.5 and my nvALT files are stored in a sub folder in Dropbox

Same issue. Once I delete the preferences file, it'll open - but only once. Once I close the app, and reopen I get the same error. Seems like something is wrong with the preferences file.

Thanks - would be nice if someone could identify the issue and offer some sort of fix as an otherwise excellent application is rapidly becoming less excellent!!!!
I too have tried the "delete preferences" route but it does not seem to FIX the issue on a permanent basis.

Also having this issue—any tips for recovering the database file? I've wiped the related folders in .../Application Support/ but I'm unable to re-open my notes to port them into another location.

Same issue 😦

Same issue. :(

Same thing here. Something to do with an OS update?

Same thing for me (But I am positive it worked fine a few days ago) but still ok with Notational Velocity...

01/07/2020 : NValt is fine today...

I'm encountering this same issue. I think It may be related to an OS update as well (now running Monterey 12.6.6). Tried the following (my notes are saved in ~/Notes, users with the default installation may have to replace the last line with ~/Library/Application\ Support/Notational\ Data{,.bak}).

  1. Quit nvALT.
  2. Delete cache, preferences, and saved state; and backup the notes directory.
    rm -rf \
        ~/Library/Caches/net.elasticthreads.nv \
        ~/Library/Preferences/net.elasticthreads.nv.plist \
        ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/net.elasticthreads.nv.savedState
    mv ~/Notes{,.bak}
  3. Restart nvALT.

I expected to be able to change the folder setting at this point, but no file chooser opens upon selecting "Other..." from the "Notes > Read notes from folder" dropdown selector.