
💥The world's most simple, beautiful and customizable 2 columns VuePress blog theme built with Vuetify

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💥The world's most simple, beautiful and customizable 2 columns VuePress blog theme built with Vuetify.

It has following features.

  • List hot tags automatically
  • List recent posts automatically
  • Scroll-spy TOC
  • SEO ready (perfect <title> and <meta> tags)
  • Mobile friendly
  • Customizable styles using scss (not stylus)
  • Ability of inserting your own content into the layout of the theme

Live demo

👉 https://vuepress-theme-blog-vuetify.ttskch.com/


$ yarn add --dev vuepress-theme-blog-vuetify

# or
$ npm install -D vuepress-theme-blog-vuetify


// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
  theme: 'blog-vuetify',
  themeConfig: {
    // ...


You can see the valid options and default values here 👍

Customizing styles

You can customize styles flexibly by overwrite scss variables.

In order to overwrite them, you have to just place .vuepress/styles/variables.scss which re-defines some variables like this 👍

Inserting your own content into the layout of the theme

You can insert your own content like as following.

1. Create Vue component

For example, create .vuepress/components/AfterPage.vue like following.

  <div id="after-page">
    <p>Some content for after page content of each page</p>

2. Create enhanceApp.js and register your component to Vue app

import AfterPage from './components/AfterPage'

// @see https://vuepress.vuejs.org/theme/writing-a-theme.html#app-level-enhancements
export default ({
  Vue, // the version of Vue being used in the VuePress app
  options, // the options for the root Vue instance
  router, // the router instance for the app
  siteData // site metadata
}) => {
  Vue.component('MyAfterPage', AfterPage)

3. Notify the name of your component to the theme

themeConfig: {
  components: {
    afterPage: 'MyAfterPage'

That's it 😃

Default (empty) components for valid hook points are them.