This is a solution to the Room homepage challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
- Calculate the BMI using the International System of Measures of Imperial Measures System
- Solution URL: Add solution URL here
- Live Site URL: Add live site URL here
- [Responsive] - Started by building the layout for the three resolutions
- React - JS library
- Next.js - React framework
- React Hook Form - Fine grain form management
- tailwindcss/forms - Provides a basic reset for form styles
- How to use a new library: Tailwind/forms.
- Went deep in the functionality of the HookForms.
- Learned solve a challenge without the usually provided assets.
- Build for three resolutions poses new difficulties in the Tailwind infrastructure of CSS.
- Next challenge could be a 'fluid design' that works in all resolutions...
- Documentation of the React Hook Form was very helpful.
- Website - Thomas Tschoepke Soares
- Frontend Mentor - @ttsoares