These are all taken from Leetcode via Jeremy Aguilon's page.
The way that he sets it up, we're dividing into 3 levels:
- Study even if your interview is tomorrow and it's midnight
- Study if you've got a week before your interview
- Study these to get a general idea and build instincts
Here's the breakdown
- Number of Islands
- Coin Change Problem
- Minimum Window Substring
- Buying and Selling Stock
- Range Sum Query
- Merge Intervals
- Maximum Subarray
- Range Sum Query Mutable
- Counting Inversions
- Word Search II
- Task Scheduler
- Non-overlapping Intervals
- Preorder Serialization Verification of a Binary Tree
- Find Duplicate Number
- Construct BST from Preorder and Inorder Serialization
- Search an Infinitely Sized List
- Decode Ways
- Jump Game II
- Find Edit Distance Between Two Words
None of these have test cases yet, but I'm interested in setting up a CI/CD kinda situation at some point.