A kitty session launcher/maker made in python
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# #
# Made by Force4760 #
- The config file is stored at
- You can edit it to change 6 things:
- Create a function to be run at the begining of creation of a new session config
- Create a function to be run after the creation of a new session config
- Change the default path to the sessions folder
- Change the colors for prompts and errors (ANSI)
- Change the default editor
- Change the default file manager
- -h or --help -> shows this message
- -n or --new -> create a new session file
- -e or --edit -> edit the config file
- -e or --edit + name_of_a_session -> edit the specified session file
- -o sessions or --open sessions -> open the sessions folder
- -o config or --open config -> open the config folder
- name_of_a_session -> the specified session will be launched
Python, kitty and markdown
Start by cloning the repository
git clone https://github.com/Force4760/kt_session.git
Change to the cloned directory
cd kt_sessions
Install kt
sh install.sh
# -- or --
pip install -e .
Congratulations! Now you can run kt_sessions by using the kt command and providing the desired arguments or flags
# function to be run before a new session is created
# all list elements return will be added
# as lines to the beggining of the session file
def before() -> list:
# function to be run after a new session is created
# all list elements return will be added
# as lines to the end of the session file
def after() -> list:
# path to the folder where sessions should be stored
path = "~/.config/kitty"
# ANSI color in which any error should be displayed
# it will be used ad \33[color_provided
error_color = "31m"
# ANSI color in which any prompts should be displayed
# it will be used ad \33[color_provided
prompt_color = "32m"
# Editor for the -e flag
editor = "vim"
# File manager for the -o flag
file_manager = "xdg-open"