Set Up Questions
emilyhyde opened this issue · 0 comments
Reading through this protocol I am extremely excited about this tool and working on getting it set up. First off, I am looking to get some clarification on the required steps in Part 1 of the README. If we are doing the quickstart 1.2, is section 1.3 also required? Some of the code overlaps, so I assume these are independent of each other and it is an either or.
Additionally, I am needing for this to be fully set up on a Linux system in conda with cpuonly pytorch, but can't determine from the protocol if local installation is required for some steps or if the functionality can exist entirely in a conda environment.
Finally, Part 2 is inference and Part 3 is training. If we all we are looking to do is inference, similar to the what is available on the web-server version of CLEAN, is Part 3 required to continue using the inference tools? Since Part 3 is after Inference and I only need the functionality of what is available on the web-server, just needing to scale up for a large dataset.
Thank you very much in advance. very excited to get this set up. Appreciate any help you can offer.