
A React Native component to display a series of images with a beautiful cross-fade animation between them

Primary LanguageTypeScript


React Native Carousel

@tttstudios/react-native-carousel is a React Native component to make it simple to display a series of images with a crossfade animation between them.


npm install --save @tttstudios/react-native-carousel or yarn add @tttstudios/react-native-carousel

Installation Requirements

We make use of React hooks so make sure you have at least:

  • React 16.8
  • React Native 0.60


import { View } from 'react-native'
import { RNCarousel } from '@tttstudios/react-native-carousel'


    const bulbasaur = require('./assets/bulbasaur.png')
    const squirtle = require('./assets/squirtle.png')
    const charmander = require('./assets/charmander.png')

    const SOURCES = [bulbasaur, squirtle, charmander]


    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
        <RNCarousel sources={SOURCES}/>


More Advanced Usage

import { RNCarousel } from '@tttstudios/react-native-carousel'


    const bulbasaur = require('./assets/bulbasaur.png')
    const squirtle = require('./assets/squirtle.png')
    const charmander = require('./assets/charmander.png')

    const SOURCES = [bulbasaur, squirtle, charmander]


    onItemIn={() => console.log('Hello!')}
    onItemOut={() => console.log('Bye!')}
    containerStyle={{ paddingHorizontal: 20 }}
    contentStyle={{ height: '50%' }}



Parameter Required Description
sources YES Images to be displayed
onItemIn() NO Function called when an image goes out of view
onItemOut() NO Function called when an image comes into view
inFocusDuration NO Time in ms that an image is shown
animationDuration NO Time in ms that the transition between two images takes
containerStyle NO Styling applied to container
contentStyle NO Styling applied to content


  • Typescript definition file
  • Typescript implementation
  • Add basic unit tests
  • Add integration tests
  • Add support for video


Odin Mebesius

Premium Support By TTT Studios

react-native-carousel is presented by the mobile team at TTT Studios. We are a Digital Innovation Studio based out of Vancouver, Canada, delivering custom software and solutions that are designed and developed 100% in-house. The technologies we work with include AR & VR, IoT, AI, security & encryption, and cloud computing.

Empowering Business Through Technology