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A small collection of tools for DIStributional COmpositional semantics. I use this in my doctoral work, releasing it here in the hope that it might save somebody a bit of work. The API is inconsistent at times and the documentation may be outdated, but test coverage is decent and all tests pass.

Use case 1: Wrangling word vectors

Reading and storing dense and sparse word vectors

Let's read in a bunch of word vectors, stored in the sparse format used by Byblo

!head -2 dud_vectors_sparse.txt

council/N	pobj-HEAD:of/CONJ	31
attack/N	pobj-HEAD:in/CONJ	23	pobj-HEAD:of/CONJ	58	amod-DEP:terrorist/J	21

We have one entry per row, with its features separated by a tab. In the example above, the entry attack/N was seen 21 times as the dependent of an amod of the word terrorist/J, etc. Let us read that in.

from discoutils.thesaurus_loader import Vectors
v = Vectors.from_tsv('dud_vectors_sparse.txt')

<1x37 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
	with 3 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>

The input file can also be gzipped or stored in an HDF file. The file type is determined automatically (the method is helpfully called from_tsv for historical reasons). High-dimensional vectors, such as the ones shown above, are best stored in gzipped sparse format. Low-dimensional dense vectors, such as those produced by word2vec or by applying SVD to the sparse vectors above are best stored in HDF format.

Writing word vectors

Once we've read some word vectors, we can write them out in a range of formats, such as gzip, HDF, or dissect

v.to_tsv('tmp.gz', gzipped=True);
v.to_tsv('tmp.h5', dense_hd5=True);

Efficient nearest neighbour search

We can measure the euclidean distance between any pair of entries:

v.euclidean_distance('attack/N', 'council/N')


We can also search for the nearest neighbours of an entry. This is implemented using a BallTree from scikit-learn for dense low-dimensional vectors and with brute-force matrix multiplication for high-dimensional ones. BallTree is significantly faster. At the time of writing (8 July 2015) sklearn's approximate nearest neighbour search is slower than BallTree. I have been meaning to experiment with Annoy but I haven't yet.


[('council/N', 41.218927691049899),
 ('people/N', 57.271284253105414),
 ('which/DET', 65.161338230579645)]

A slightly more realistic example

v1 = Vectors.from_tsv('../../FeatureExtractionToolkit/word2vec_vectors/word2vec-wiki-15perc.unigr.strings.rep0')

[('raid/N', 1.3087977116653637),
 ('airstrike/N', 1.4726388902229308),
 ('assault/N', 1.6013899436574217)]

Pointwise Mutual Information

from discoutils.reweighting import ppmi_sparse_matrix

<13x37 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
	with 47 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>

Singular Value Decomposition

from discoutils.reduce_dimensionality import do_svd
do_svd('dud_vectors_sparse.txt', 'vectors_reduced', reduce_to=[5, 10], use_hdf=False)

!head -1 vectors_reduced-SVD5.events.filtered.strings

israel/N	SVD:feat001	4.21179787839	SVD:feat003	71.6348083843

Running external processes

DiscoUtils has a bunch of utility function for running code in a separate process and capturing its output. The majority of these make it easy to run Byblo, but they are all built on top of the same building blocks:

# reconfigure logging module
import logging
from discoutils.cmd_utils import run_and_log_output

logger = logging.getLogger()
run_and_log_output('head -2 dud_vectors_sparse.txt')

INFO:root:Running head -2 dud_vectors_sparse.txt
INFO:root:council/N	pobj-HEAD:of/CONJ	31
attack/N	pobj-HEAD:in/CONJ	23	pobj-HEAD:of/CONJ	58	amod-DEP:terrorist/J	21

More examples coming soon.

Other bits and pieces

Obscure and/or poorly documented features of DiscoUtils:

  • run Stanford CoreNLP on your data in parallel
  • find counting vectors for noun phrases from a corpus (similar to the first example above, but the entries are noun phrases instead of single words)