
Simple Connector for the BigHugeThesaaurus

##Installation pip install pyhugeconnector

##Example Usage

>>> from pyhugeconnector import pyhugeconnector
>>> pyhugeconnector.thesaurus_entry(
['disembodied spirit', 'mythical creature', 'mythical monster']


  • Works with NLTK WordNet PoS Tags (i.e. 'n' or nltk.coprpus.wordnet.NOUN) as well as the Big Huge Thesaurus PoS Tags.
  • By default, it uses json and returns a list of results.
  • pyhugeconnector.thesaurus_entry_raw(…) can be used to retrieve the raw entry returned from the API. NB: While for json responses the return type is a Python dict, for xml or php responses the return type is a str.
  • And no, neither xml nor php are altered/parsed/touched in any way, what you receive is the raw str as returned by the API.
  • If you want to run the tests locally you need to pass your API key, i.e.: python test.py <YOUR-API-KEY>.
  • If you want to test with nose, you should install nose-testconfig (pip install nose-testconfig) and create a file called nose_config.yaml. The contents of the File should simply be api_key: <Your API Key>. You can then run the nose tests with nosetests -s --tc-file nose_config.yaml --tc-format yaml.


Currently available from here