
Am Anfang war das Wort.

Primary LanguagePython


Am Anfang war das Wort - am Ende die Phrase.

_~~~ Stanislaw Jerzy Lec ~~~_

wort is a python library for creating count-based distributional semantic word vectors. It adopts a scikit-learn like API and is built on top of numpy, scipy and scikit-learn.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation

  2. Quickstart

  3. Reading a corpus from disk

  4. Creating and fitting wort models

  5. Serialising and deserialising wort models

  6. Accessing individual word vectors

  7. Evaluating wort models

  8. Optimising model throughput

  9. A complete example



git clone https://github.com/tttthomasssss/wort.git
cd wort
git checkout tags/v0.1.0


pip install -e .


python setup.py install


from wort.corpus_readers import TextStreamReader
from wort.vsm import VSMVectorizer

# Create PPMI vectors with a symmetric window of 5 from a lowercased corpus, discarding all items occurring less than 100 times
wort = VSMVectorizer(window_size=5, weighting='ppmi', min_frequency=100, lowercase=True)

corpus_path = 'path/to/corpus/on/disk.txt
corpus = TextStreamReader(corpus_path)

wort.fit(corpus) # Depending on the size of the corpus, this can take a while...

# Serialise model for later usage

Reading a corpus from disk

Creating meaningful word vector representations requires a lot of data (e.g. all of Wikipedia or all of Project Gutenberg).

wort expects 1 line in the corpus file to correspond to 1 document in the corpus (e.g. 1 Wikipedia article or 1 book from Project Gutenberg).

wort provides a few basic corpus readers in wort.corpus_readers to deal with corpora in txt, csv/tsv and gzip format (assuming 1 line = 1 document).

corpus_path = 'path/to/corpus'

# Reading txt files
from wort.corpus_readers import TextStreamReader

corpus = TextStreamReader(corpus_path)

# Reading csv/tsv files
from wort.corpus_readers import CSVStreamReader

corpus = CSVStreamReader(corpus_path, delimiter='\t') # tsv file, the default assues delimiter=',' (csv file)

# Reading gzip files
from wort.corpus_readers import GzipStreamReader(corpus_path)

corpus = GzipStreamReader(corpus_path)

Any of the corpus objects can then be passed to the fit() method

from wort.vsm import VSMVectorizer

wort = VSMVectorizer(...)


wort requires two passes over the corpus, the first pass extracts the vocabulary and the second pass constructs the count co-occurrence matrix given the vocabulary.

Creating and fitting wort models

So far, wort offers a range of ppmi based parameterisations (in addition to some common scikit-learn Vectorizer options):

  • weighting: wort currently supports weighting='ppmi' (with support for weighting='plmi' and weighting='pnpmi' about to be implemented). However, a callable can be passed as well and needs to accept 4 values, the raw PMI matrix (sparse.csr_matrix), the matrix of joint probabilities P(w, c) (**!!!ATTENTION: Currently Noneis passed instead of the matrix!!!**), anumpy.ndarrayvector representing P(w) and anumpy.ndarray` vector representing P(c).
  • window_size: Size of the sliding window, accepts symmetric windows (e.g. window_size=5 or window_size=(5, 5)), or asymmetric windows (e.g. window_size=(1, 5))
  • context_window_weighting: Weighting to the items within the sliding window, default is context_window_weighting='constant', but a range of other schemes are supported (so far 'aggressive', 'very_aggressive', 'harmonic' (thats what GloVe is doing), 'distance' (thats what word2vec is doing), 'sigmoid', 'inverse_sigmoid', 'absolute_sigmoid', 'inverse_absolute_sigmoid'). Again, a callable can be passed as well and needs to accept a distance parameter, representing the distance from the current word and a window_size parameter, representing the size of the window under consideration (Note that this may not be equivalent to the window_size parameter used to create the wort object).
  • min_frequency: Words with a frequency < min_frequency will be filtered and discarded
  • binary: If set to True, converts the count based co-occurrence matrix to a binary indicator matrix
  • sppmi_shift: Subtracts sppmi_shift from all non-zero entries of the final PMI matrix. This is equivalent to the number of negative samples in word2vec, see Levy & Goldberg (2014) and Levy et al. (2015) for more information.
  • cds: Context distribution smoothing, performs p(c) ** cds, typically it was found that cds=0.75 performs particularly well, again see Levy et al. (2015) for more information.
  • dim_reduction: Perform dimensionality reduction on the PMI matrix, currently only dim_reduction='svd' is supported.
  • svd_dim: Dimensionality of the reduced space.
  • svd_eig_weighting: Eigenvalue weighting of the SVD reduced space, Levy et al. (2015) found that svd_eig_weighting=0.5 or svd_eig_weighting=0.0 perform better than using SVD the "correct" way.
  • add_context_vectors: After reducing the dimensionality, the word and context vectors can be added together, see Pennington et al. (2014) and Levy et al. (2015) for more information.
  • word_white_list: In academic settings one often evaluates the quality of word vectors on some word similarity dataset. The words in those datasets should obviously not be discarded by a min_frequency filter, thus wort allows the usage of a white list of words that should not be discarded under any circumstances.

With all of these options in mind, creating wort object is as simple as creating a CountVectorizer or a TfidfVectorizer in scikit-learn:

from wort.vsm import VSMVectorizer

wort = VSMVectorizer(window_size=(1, 7), weighting='ppmi', context_window_weighting='harmonic', min_frequency=100, cds=0.75)

Serialising and deserialising wort models

Given that fitting a distributional model takes a significant amount of time, it is feasible (that means necessary!) to save the models to disk after they've been fitted:

from wort.vsm import VSMVectorizer

wort = VSMVectorizer(...)

# Save model to disk

The function save_to_file() stores the most important assets (not all, to reduce disk space usage) to disk, which includes the final PMI matrix, an index file mapping numbers to words, an inverted index performing the opposite mapping and the word probability distribution P(w).

Once a number of different wort models have been created and serialised, loading an existing model is equally simple:

from wort.vsm import VSMVectorizer

# Load model from disk
wort = VSMVectorizer.load_from_file(path='path/to/existing/wort/model')

Accessing individual word vectors

Accessing word vectors adopts a dict style aproach:

from wort.vsm import VSMVectorizer

# Load wort model from disk
wort = VSMVectorizer.load_from_file(path='path/to/existing/wort/model')

v_book = wort['book']

The vector for book is a 1 x N scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, where N is the dimensionality of the vector space, which can be queried by:

wort.get_vector_size() # Returns an integer

Checking whether a word is present in the model can be done by:

'book' in wort # Returns True or False

Evaluating wort models

The most common (though arguably not the ideal) evaluation strategy for word vectors is an "intrinsic" evaluation on Word Similarity tasks, where the cosine similarity of two word pairs is compared against (aggregated) human similarity judgements.

Over the years a number of word similarity datasets have been created, of which wort currently supports the following:

Evaluating a wort model on one of these datasets is straightforward:

# Evaluate `wort` model on SimLex-999
from wort import evaluation
from wort.vsm import VSMVectorizer

# Load `wort` model from disk
wort = VSMVectorizer.load_from_file(path='path/to/existing/wort_model')

evaluation.intrinsic_word_similarity_evaluation(wort_model=wort, datasets=['simlex999'])

Furthermore, wort supports batched evaluation of a number of different wort models on all available word similarity datasets in wort/tools:

./tools/batch_intrinsic_word_similarity_evaluation.sh -i path/to/wort/models -p naming_pattern_of_wort_models

Optimising model throughput

The model fitting process can be broken down into 3 individual steps (4 if dimensionality reduction is performed):

  • Vocabulary extraction (can easily take 1 hour)
  • Co-Occurrence Matrix construction (can easily take 3 hours or more)
  • PMI transformation (~ a few minutes)
  • Dimensionality reduction (depending on the number of dimensions, can tak anything from a few seconds to several hours)

To optimise model throughput when multiple parameters are investigated (e.g. different window sizes, context weighting functions, context distribution smoothing values, sppmi shifts, etc), wort employs a caching scheme that (if cache_intermediary_results=True in the VSMVectorizer constructor) that re-uses results from previous processing steps by noticing that:

  • The vocabulary stays the same, independent of the options affecting the co-occurrence matrix construction (e.g. window_size, context_window_weighting)
  • The co-occurrence matrix stays the same, independent of the options affecting the PMI calculation (e.g. cds, sppmi_shift, weighting)
  • The PMI matrix stays the same, independent of the options affecting the dimensionality reduction (e.g. svd_dim, svd_eig_weighting, add_context_vectors)

Thus, wort re-uses whatever it can when past model configurations match the current configuration in order to optimise the time spent on creating models.

With time the cache will grow and potentially occupy a large amount of disk space, in which case the cache can be deleted by executing the delete_cache.sh script in wort/tools (by default wort uses ~/.wort_data/model_cache as cache location):

./tools/delete_cache.sh -v -p /path/to/cache

A complete example

This small example illustrates a complete use case of wort (Note that support of the scikit-learn parameter search API is not yet supported, but will be soon!). In practice, it is recommended to split the creation of wort models and their evaluation into two separate bits

import os
import json

from wort import evaluation
from wort.corpus_readers import TextStreamReader
from wort.datasets import get_men_words
from wort.datasets import get_simlex_999_words
from wort.datasets import get_ws353_words
from wort.vsm import VSMVectorizer

# Load Corpus
corpus_path = 'path/to/corpus/on/disk'
corpus = TextStreamReader(corpus_path)

# Define word_white_list of words needed for evaluation
white_list = get_men_words() | get_simlex_999_words() | get_ws353_words()

# Investigate effect of `window_size`, `context_window_weighting` and `cds`
window_size_values = [1, 2, 5, 10]
context_window_weighting_values = ['constant', 'harmonic', 'aggressive']
cds_values = [1.0, 0.75, 0.5]
min_frequency = 100

wort_base_path = 'path/to/location/on/disk'

collected_model_paths = [] # Note that this is just for illustrative purposes, in practice the bash script in wort/tools should be used

# Create `wort` models
for window_size in window_size_values:
	for weighting in context_window_weighting_values:
		for cds in cds_values:
			print('Running with configuration: window_size={}; context_window_weighting={}; cds={}...'.format(window_size, weighting, cds))
			model_name = 'wort_model_window-{}_weighting-{}_cds-{}'.format(window_size, weighting, cds)
			model_out_path = os.path.join(wort_base_path, model_name)
			wort = VSMVectorizer(window_size=window_size, context_window_weighting=weighting, cds=cds, 
								 min_frequency=min_frequency, word_white_list=white_list)
			print('Storing wort model at {}...'.format(model_out_path))
# Evaluate `wort` models
for model in collected_model_paths:
	results = evaluation.intrinsic_word_similarity_evaluation(wort_model=model, datasets=['men', 'simlex999', 'ws353'])
	print('Performance scores of {}:'.format(model))
	print(json.dumps(results, indent=4))