
This is my statistics research about natural language processing with Dr. Nicole Dalzell.

Welcome to LDA_Gibbs!

This is my statistics research project about natural language processing with Dr. Nicole Dalzell at Wake Forest University. One of the main concentrations of this project is topic modeling and I focus on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) with Gibbs sampling process. LDA is effective at classifying documents into latent topics. After digging into this algorithm, I have finished my own version of LDA_Gibbs.Rmd in R. More information of this script will be shown below.

To learn about the theoretical part of LDA, you can read through Section 3 of my thesis paper A Brief Introduction to Natural Language Processing.pdf.

1. LDA_Gibbs Introduction

LDA_Gibbs() is an easy-to-use function that can classify documents into latent topics. In the following sections, I use the Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) dataset from Kaggle. This dataset contains information of the title, authors, abstracts, and paper contents for all NIPS papers from 1987 conference to 2016 conference.

1.1 LDA_Gibbs(...) Function

LDA_Gibbs( corpus, K = 5, control = 1123, burn_in = 200, converge_iteration = 100, threshold = 5e-3, max_iteration = 1000, stop.words = NULL )

Implement LDA with Gibbs sampling process.

Return a list containing beta data.frame, theta data.frame, and theta_param list.

  • Parameters
    • corpus: corpus data.frame
      A data frame with multiple rows and one column. Each row represents one document.
    • K: None or int, optional
      The number of latent topics. If there is no input, then K = 5 by default.
    • control: None or int, optional
      The seed for pseudo-randomness. If there is no input, then control = 1123 by default.
    • burn_in: None or int, optional
      The number of burn-in iterations before the function starts tracking the values of theta parameters.
      If there is no input, then burn_in = 200 by default.
    • converge_iteration: None or int, optional
      The number of iterations needed to ensure that the algorithm has converged.
      If there is no input, then converge_iteration = 100.
    • threshold: None or float, optional
      The converge threshold for increase/decrease rate of a theta parameter.
      If increase/decrease rate is less than the threshold for converge_iteration times continuously, then the algorithm has converged.
      If there is no input, then threshold = 5e-3.
    • max_iteration: None or int, optional
      The maximum number of iterations of Gibbs sampling process.
    • stop.words: None or list, optional
      The list of stop words that should be ignored in the corpus.
      If there is no input, then stop.words = NULL.
  • Returns
    • res: A list containing three results
      • beta: Tidy table
        A tidy table with three columns, including topic, word, and beta.
        topic indicates the identification of the latent topics.
        word indicates the words.
        beta indicates the probability of a specific word falling into a specific topic.
      • theta: theta matrix in tidy format
        A tidy table with three columns, including document, topic, and theta.
        document indicates the identification of the documents.
        topic indicates the identification of the latent topics.
        theta indicates the probability of a specific document falling into a specific topic.
      • theta_param: List
        A list of theta parameters of a chosen document over iterations. You may use this to check whether the algorithm has converged.

1.2 Example with NIPS Dataset

1.2.1 Connect and Sample from Dataset

After downloading NIPS dataset, move database.sqlite and LDA_Gibbs.Rmd under the same folder. Then, in R, edit LDA_Gibbs.Rmd and append the following code.

# Connect to database
db <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), "database.sqlite")
# Sampling from the database
papers_sample <- dbGetQuery(db, "
SELECT paper_text
FROM papers
WHERE year > 2015
LIMIT 10")

papers_sample is a data.frame with 1 column and 10 rows, where each row represents a paper.

1.2.2 Implement LDA_Gibbs(...) with papers_sample

Now, we have papers_sample as our corpus. Say we have the following list of stop words and call LDA_Gibbs() with these parameters. This might take a while.

# List of stop words
stop.words = c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "model", "algorithm", "models", "learning")
# Call LDA_Gibbs()
res = LDA_Gibbs(papers_sample, K = 3, control = 1123, burn_in = 200, converge_iteration = 100, threshold = 5e-3, 
		max_iteration = 1000,  stop.words = stop.words)

LDA_Gibbs() will output its progress and whether it has found convergence as shown below.

[1] "Start initializing..."
Joining, by = "word"
[1] "Done Initializing."
[1] "Start burn in process..."
[1] "Done burn in process."
[1] "Tracing Document #9"
[1] "Start looking for convergence..."
[1] "Convergence Found at Iteration 356."
[1] "Done looking for convergence."

"Convergence Found at Iteration 356." means that the increase/decrease rate of theta values is less than threshold (i.e. 5e-3) for 100 iterations continuously, so LDA has converged.

Now, res stores the LDA results. We can extract each result by using following code.

# Extract result from res
beta = res$beta
theta = res$theta
theta_param = res$theta_param

1.2.3 Check Convergence

Before we start interpreting the results, we need to make sure that LDA has converged using theta_param. LDA_Gibbs() function will randomly pick one of the documents from the corpus and keep track of its theta values in theta_param. Therefore, to check convergence, we can use the following code.

# Check for convergence
plot(theta_param$topic1, type = "l", xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "theta")

Since the convergence is found at Iteration 356, we can see that theta values do not fluctuate too much after 250th iterations. Therefore, we conclude that LDA has converged.

1.2.4 Interpret LDA Results

To understand the results, we can look into one document and see which topic it is classified as.

# Show the probability for a document falling into the latent topics
document_index = 1
theta %>%
  filter(document == document_index)

The return will be:

document	topic		theta
<int>		<chr>		<dbl>
1		1		0.000545561		
1		2		0.001617088		
1		3		0.997837351	

This result means that Document 1 is most likely to be classified as Topic 3. To understand what Topic 3 is, we need to look into it by using following code.

# Select the top 20 words with highest beta values in this topic
topic_index = 3
beta %>%
  filter(topic == topic_index) %>%
  arrange(desc(beta)) %>%

The return will be:

topic		word		beta
<int>		<chr>		<dbl>
3		networks	0.006004027		
3		log		0.005935525		
3		clustering	0.004883109		
3		lds		0.004640842		
3		feedback	0.004304822		
3		matrix		0.004199121		
3		user		0.003755266		
3		node		0.003704164		
3		time		0.003648625		
3		data		0.003581415	
3		queries		0.003048854		
3		algorithms	0.003017439		
3		s0		0.002862436		
3		estimation	0.002773142		
3		al		0.002759629		
3		probability	0.002669478		
3		xt		0.002650911		
3		network		0.002613383		
3		graphon		0.002580034		
3		likelihood	0.002561868	

From these words, we can relate Topic 3 to clustering, lds (i.e. Linear Dynamical System), and matrix. Let's peek at the first few lines of the abstract of Document 1, "Multi-view Matrix Factorization for Linear Dynamical System Estimation".


We consider maximum likelihood estimation of linear dynamical systems with generalized-linear observation models. Maximum likelihood is typically considered to be hard in this setting since latent states and transition parameters must be inferred jointly. Given that expectation-maximization does not scale and is prone to local minima, moment-matching approaches from the subspace identification literature have become standard, despite known statistical efficiency issues. In this paper, we instead reconsider likelihood maximization and develop an optimization based strategy for recovering the latent states and transition parameters. Key to the approach is a two-view reformulation of maximum likelihood estimation for linear dynamical systems that enables the use of global optimization algorithms for matrix factorization. We show that the proposed estimation strategy outperforms widely-used identification algorithms such as subspace identification methods, both in terms of accuracy and runtime.

I highlight the words that also show up in top 20 words with largest beta values. This shows LDA_Gibbs() works. You can now play with NIPS dataset. One friendly reminder is that LDA generally needs a larger corpus, even though we only use 10 papers and it works in this example.

2. Upcoming Updates

[03/17/2020] I will keep polishing and updating LDA_Gibbs(). Currently, I am digging into infinite latent variable model and try to implement it into LDA_Gibbs() so that LDA_Gibbs() can help us find an optimal number of latent topics.