
Scripts to make submission of final exam answers to CSE servers automatically and periodically.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Exam Wrapper

Since all exams have been moved to online and Vlab interface may seems not to be a good friend, this repo is created to publish the scripts that then will make the submssion of the answer files automatically and periodically to UNSW CSE servers.

In additions, the scripts also wrap around git to record different versions over time.

Introduction to CSE submission system / commands

To be written but the full docs can be found here.


Published under MIT license.


  • All the questions should be answered in the folder ./answers/

Other important notes

  • Because the scripts adheres to the system or commands as described above, the repo is only applicable to UNSW CSE servers only.

  • If running all the scripts as below, there're some logging to record all activities during the exam:


A few critical to make these submission scripts work:

  • You must added RSA (public) key to CSE server. If you did, one way to test this is to login the server without typing password via ssh -Y z555555@cse.unsw.edu.au, where z555555 should be replaced with your own zid.
  • Python 3 (which is already installed on CSE server but may not be installed on your local machine yet)

Critical things to do before the exam

  1. Check if the all the configurations in auto_send2CSE.py are correct. This include:
    • zid
    • className
    • folder name on the (CSE) remote server exists (variable examFolder)
    • repo url (variable remote_repo_url)
    • questions with correct name and format type: False if it is short answer which is submitted as an text file. True if using java source code.
    • timer interval to submit periodically (variable submitInterval)
    • the deadline to stop making submission (variable deadline)
  2. Locally, run python3 auto_send2CSE.py. This will periodically send your answer files to CSE servers.
  3. Focus on the exam itself & nail it!