Youtube Smart Playlist Manager

Uses the Youtube Data API to add new videos to playlists according to smart playlist specifications in Smart Playlists file.

Runs every 30 minutes and adds any files from today to playlists. Will not add duplicates to playlists.


  • Run OAuth Flow script.
  • Copy/paste the URL into a web browser, and authenticate with the desired Google account.
  • Copy/paste the authorization code into the pending command prompt.
  • This should dump out Copy this into the config_data directory.
  • Modify the example smart_playlists.json file with your own playlist ids and channel IDs.
  • Copy smart_playlists.json into config_data

Run directly:

python -c /config_data/ -p /config_data/smart_playlists.json

To build docker image:

 # Build docker image
 docker build -t youtube_smart_playlists -f Dockerfile .

 # Create docker container
 docker create --name youtube_smart_playlists --volume <absolute path to config_data>:/config_data youtube_smart_playlists

 # Start docker container
 docker start youtube_smart_playlists

 # View progress
 docker logs -f youtube_smart_playlists