
How it works. PALette is a tool for designers, artists, and any lovers of color, to help with the hurdles of creating unique and interesting color palettes. PALette allows you to choose your inspiration by taking photos, picking from your camera roll, or browsing the built-in inspiration page. After you've chosen an image, PALette will let you choose from any colors found in your photo to create a beautiful new color palette. Save your PALette and it will appear on the main palettes page, where you can tap to see hex and rgb values for your palette, and share your new creation. The Project. PALette was designed and created by Alex Mathers during his time at Lighthouse Labs; an iOS development bootcamp in Toronto, Canada. Support or Contact Want to get in touch about PALette? Email alex@jamathers.com PALette is maintained by Malecks. This page was generated by GitHub Pages using the Cayman theme by Jason Long.
