
Test API of WCG group using registration endpoint

Primary LanguagePython


Test API of WCG group using registration endpoint based on this API format

Test date: 18/11/2021

Defect found:

  1. Name can be integer value like 123
  2. Surname can be integer value like 123
  3. Phone number can be a string value like "abcdefghij"
  4. Phone number can be any digits like 081

Test cases list:

Test case Expected Result Status
test_get_valid_registration return 200 OK and JSON of citizen object with vaccine_taken added P
test_get_invalid_registration return 404 Not Found P
test_post_registration_with_correct_format return 201 Created and feedback responses registration success P
test_post_already_register_person return 200 OK with feedback responses registration failed: this person already registered P
test_post_registration_missing_citizen_id return 400 Bad Request P
test_post_registration_non_13_digit_citizen_id return 200 OK with feedback responses registration failed: invalid citizen ID P
test_post_registration_missing_name return 400 Bad Request P
test_post_registration_using_integer_name should not return feedback responses registration success F
test_post_registration_missing_surname return 400 Bad Request P
test_post_registration_using_integer_surname should not return feedback responses registration success F
test_post_registration_missing_birth_date return 400 Bad Request P
test_post_registration_incorrect_birth_date_format return 200 OK with feedback responses registration failed: invalid birth date format P
test_post_registration_less_than_12_years_old return 200 OK with feedback responses registration failed: not archived minimum age P
test_post_registration_missing_occupation return 400 Bad Request P
test_post_registration_missing_address return 400 Bad Request P
test_post_registration_string_phone_number should not return feedback responses registration success F
test_post_registration_non_10_digit_phone_number should not return feedback responses registration success F
test_delete_valid_registration return 200 OK and should that citizen should not be in the reservation P
test_delete_invalid_registration return 404 Not Found P