
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Assignment solutions

Haskell assignment

Haskell solution can be found in sim directory. I used stack for building. It is sufficient to run:

stack build

to build it and

stack exec solution

to run the main program.

The actual code, with extensive comments can be found in the sim/Sim.hs file. The sim/solution.hs is just and app entrypoints.

The sim/SimOld.hs is the first and deprecated iteration and can be ignored.

Some cross-checks were performed using python (jupyter notebook); commited in the sim directory.

Elm assignment

Design seems to use Futura font which is not freely available (only on MacOS). Moreover, weights suggest that it may be commercial variant (seems to be more I can get from system one).

Styles do not correspond idealy to specification, but it should be straighforward to adjust them.

Solution for the click-outside taken from https://discourse.elm-lang.org/t/clicking-outside-a-dialog-modal-to-close/3735/5

Code requires some refactoring to improve readability.


cd drops
elm make src/Main.elm --output elm.js


Just open drops/index.html.