👋 Hi, I'm Tuan Nguyen

I love/hate building products.

❤ Love products

  • Obsidian: My favorite personal tool. I use this for learning, thinking, and reflection. I recommend everyone to build you own personal knoweldge base. You can start with my template. It's good for learning, personal growth and well-being.
  • Linear: I like their opinionated approach in building products. Adding features without much value sucks. Linear team tries to answer the fundamental questions in software development and they do it so well. There are things that I don't like very much in their product too, but it's amazing in general.
  • Figma: I've never been able to learn a professional tool like Photoshop. Figma surprises me that I can do it. They put a lot of care in their product. Figma is professional, approachable, thoughtput tool. I can understand almost every concepts and even make myself a prototype.

💻 Tech stack

  • Backend: Go, NodeJS, Python
  • Frontend: React
  • ML: Pytorch, Numpy
  • Data: Redis, Postgres/MySQL, Kafka, Cassandra

📝 My Resume

[Online CV]

📞 Contact

[Email] [Twitter] [Linkedin] [Telegram]