Repository for LMU course "Fortgeschrittene Computerintensive Methoden / Predictive Modelling" and additional ML-Methods.
Basically R and Python code for the exercises will be uploaded in this repository.
Following List refers to the implemented solutions:
- QDA - R version, QDA - Python version
- K nearest neighbours - R version, K nearest neighbours - Python version
- CART Decision Tree and Random Forest - R version
- Softmax regression - R version, Softmax regression - Python version
- Resampling methods: Cross-Validation, Bootstrap, Subsampling, Hold-Out sampling: R version, Python version
- Adaboost - R version
- Gradient Boosting - R version
- Linear SVM - R version
- Perceptron - R version, Perceptron - Python version
- Adaline - R version, Adaline - Python version
- Linear Regression - Python Version