
A DApp crowdfunding has been written by Solidity in Ethereum

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

Blockchain-based crowdfunding platform

System architecture

System include services (with folders):

  • client (front-end): we use ReactJS.
  • smartcontracts: stored smart contracts and compile+deploy to Ethereum.
  • store_centralized_data (is API to store some centralized data as campaign name, descripton,...). We use Express/NodeJS and connect to Redis.
  • redis is database that we have used.

Build, Run and Ship with Docker

We provide a file with named Dockerfile in each folders (client, store_centralized_data, smartcontracts) to build image.


  • Docker Engine
  • Docker Compose

To install Docker, please read docs at https://docs.docker.com/install/

1. Edit some env variable to run correctly

First, in file smartcontracts/.env:

  • MNEMONIC is mnenomic of your account to deploy contract and sign transaction.
  • INFURA_API_KEY is api key on infura.io, you can register an account and get infura key. Why need infura? --> In this project, i choose infura to sync states on blockchain.

And in file client/.env:

  • REACT_APP_STORE_CENTRALIZED_API is api url to post/get data from db. Format: http://[IP|DOMAIN]:PORT/. Default set to http://localhost:8080/ if empty.
  • REACT_APP_DEFAULT_NETWORK is api for connect to node on blockchain to fetch data in Homepage.Default, we set to https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/PROJECT_ID
  • REACT_APP_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT is address of your account for fetch data from blockchain.
  • REACT_APP_RECAPTCHA_ENABLE include value 1 (use captcha) or 0 (NOT use captcha). We set default to 0
  • REACT_APP_RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY is site key in captcha module. We use Google ReCaptcha, to use this components, you have to register an account and add your site, then get your key. If you set RECAPTCHA_ENABLE is 0, you can skip this step. (Default we disable this module)

Finally, in store_centralized_data/.env:

  • PORT_LISTEN is port that you will start server to listen requests. I set default with 8080
  • RECAPTCHA_ENABLE include value 1 (use captcha) or 0 (NOT use captcha). We set default to 0
  • RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY if you set RECAPTCHA_ENABLE is 1, you have to have an account on Google Recaptcha and get a secret key for use this component. If set to 0, you can skip this step. Detail about ReCaptcha: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/v3.html
  • REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PORT, REDIS_PASSWORD is information to connect to Redis server. (Note: if you change redis password, you have to edit in file docker-compose.yml to run correctly). Default, we set password of redis server is 12345678

2. Build and run

In repository root folder, you can run cmd:

docker-compose up

After run above cmd, docker will build and run some images. It will start 3 container with 3 services:

  • client with port 3000 (development port of ReactJS).
  • store_centralized_data with port 8080.
  • redis with port 6379.

(Other) Testing smart contract

Comming soon...

How to use?

To use this dApp, use must have an extension called Metamask, this is web browser extension, you can install it on Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi,...

After, you access to http://IP_SERVER:3000