
A sample application with hadoop and docker.

This sample application shows how to use Docker to create a Hadoop cluster and a Big Data application in Java. It highlights several concepts like service scale, dynamic port allocation, container links, integration tests, debugging, etc.

Running Hadoop and our application:

Compile the application and generate the docker images

cd sample
mvn clean install -Papp-docker-image

Start all the services

docker-compose --file docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

Open http://localhost:8088/cluster to see your if your cluster is running. You should see 1 active node when everything is up.

If you want, you can scale your cluster, adding more Hadoop nodes to it:

docker-compose --file docker/docker-compose.yml scale nodemanager=2

Go to http://localhost:8088/cluster and refresh until you see 2 active nodes.

Create a folder on hdfs to test

docker-compose --file docker/docker-compose.yml exec yarn hdfs dfs -mkdir /files/

Put the file we are going to process on hdfs

docker-compose --file docker/docker-compose.yml run docker-hadoop-example hdfs dfs -put /maven/test-data/text_for_word_count.txt /files/

Run our application

docker-compose --file docker/docker-compose.yml run docker-hadoop-example hadoop jar /maven/jar/docker-hadoop-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT-mr.jar hdfs://namenode:9000 /files mongo yarn:8050

Stop all the services

docker-compose --file docker/docker-compose.yml down