
trello sample app on angular 4

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular 101

Try angular 4+ feature by reimplementing trello.com

Adding features:

Switch user from firebase.User to User Show username somewhere in toolbar Boards with popup using router-outlet

Add test

Router (done)

Enable route guard for authenticate route

State management with Ngrx 4+ (done)



  • Because of this NOTE: store-devtools currently causes severe performance problems when used with router-store. We are working to fix this, but for now, avoid using them together. (https://github.com/ngrx/platform/blob/master/MIGRATION.md), so comment the router-store for now
  • As root reducer always need at least single child reducer so have to create a mock one.

What is the different with previous version

haven't implemented the data reducers yet so we put those data in auth

Apply Add Board, List Board

Theme, Add a layout with material design (done)

Authentication with angularfire2 (Done)


Layout component will be located in core module and instantiate once. Use Observable to monitor auth state to switch layout.

Switch layout using router


Routing Module: use loadChildern(). Not stable approach yet. Separate guest components and user components to two modules.???

Redux state and firebase database

http://redux.js.org/docs/recipes/reducers/NormalizingStateShape.html https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/structure-data