
Cuppa is a project open source, that seeks offer a adaptable CMS to any project (news or exist developments, web, desktop or mobile project) that don't have a Content Manager System and need implement one without realize heavy migration processes, nor take hours learning new, complex structures and methodologies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cuppa CMS

Create and personalize the administration of all your contents. The principal features is the easy and fast form that the developer can create all a complex, complete system to manage all content, quickly without write code.

Why Use It.

Don't worry and waste days developing component to manager the specific tables in your application or web page, learning new platforms to migrate all the development and reach a decent administration, or searching third developments that solve your problem and conform with it functionality or fall in a battle to try to adapt it at the project requirements. Save a lot time and use it to improve you project, to get a better application, a web page more complex and finally a front-end more useful to your clients and users. Cuppa is the platform that help you to create the back-end of all your projects, is easy to use, and have advanced features, all it in seconds. With Cuppa you can: administrate all tables, manager users, permissions, menus, language files, create configuration sections, integrate with Google Analytics and more.

Basic Operation.

Use Table manager to configure and administrate the tables in your database. Add a menu item to bring a quickly access to manage the table. It is all, with 2 steps you can create the administration of all content in your project...

Some Documentation. http://www.cuppacms.com/en/docs/installation

Download And Install In Your Server


Demo Online.

User: admin
Pass: admin

