
Command Line Tool for Framgia CI service written in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Framgia CI CLI Tool


  • A part of Framgia CI service
  • A tool for managing project configuration, as well as running test commands with Framgia CI Service
  • Written in Python
  • Authors: Tran Duc @wataridori Thang - Nguyen Anh @vigov5 Tien



Pre-compiled executale file

  • For running inside Docker Container, which does not contain Python in almost cases
// Using curl
# curl -o /usr/bin/framgia-ci https://raw.githubusercontent.com/framgia/ci-report-tool/master/dist/framgia-ci && chmod +x /usr/bin/framgia-ci

// Using wget
# wget -O /usr/bin/framgia-ci https://raw.githubusercontent.com/framgia/ci-report-tool/master/dist/framgia-ci && chmod +x /usr/bin/framgia-ci

Install by using pip

  • Requirement: python 3.5
  • Command:
// Install
# pip install framgia-ci

// Update
# pip install --upgrade framgia-ci

Mac OS

Install by using pip

  • Requirement: python 3.5 (You may have to install python3 by using brew first)
  • Command:
// Install python3
$ brew install python3

// Install framgia-ci
# pip3 install framgia-ci

// Update
# pip3 install --upgrade framgia-ci


  • Command lists
check-config  Validate config file
finish        Running finish command tools
init          Init new config file base-ed on template. Supported project type: php, ruby, android
report        Running report command to send copying request to CI Report service
notify        Running notify command to send notify request to CI Report service
upload        Running upload command to send zipped bundle reports to CI Report service
run           Running test, upload, finish command
run --local   Running test, finish command. For running at local machine
show-config   Display current config
test          Running test tools
test-connect  Test connection to specific host and port

For example

// Init .framgia-ci.yml configuration file for php project
framgia-ci init php

// Run test commands defined in .framgia-ci.yml
framgia-ci test

// Run all test, upload, finish commands. This should only be run inside framgia ci service
framgia-ci run

// Run test and show results at local machine
framgia-ci run --local

// Check mysql connection in localhost
framgia-ci test-connect 3306

Framgia CI Configuration

  • All additional configurations for Framgia CI Service MUST be stored in .framgia-ci.yml file.
  • The configurations have to be written in yaml format.
  • Example configuration file:
project_type: php
    ignore: true
    command: phpcpd --log-pmd=.framgia-ci-reports/phpcpd.xml app
    ignore: true
    command: phpmd app xml
      cleancode,codesize,controversial,design,naming,unusedcode --reportfile .framgia-ci-reports/phpmd.xml
    ignore: true
    command: pdepend --summary-xml=.framgia-ci-reports/pdepend.xml
    ignore: true
    command: phpmetrics --report-html=.framgia-ci-reports/metrics.html
    command: eslint --format=checkstyle
    command: phpcs --standard=Framgia --report-checkstyle=.framgia-ci-reports/phpcs.xml app
      - framgia-ci test-connect 3306
      - php artisan migrate --database=mysql_test
      - php -dzend_extension=xdebug.so vendor/bin/phpunit
  • project_type key: Define the type of the project. Currently supports php, ruby and android. This key is required
  • test key: Define test section with customizable commands. This section is required
  • phpcpd, phpmd, phpcs, phpunit ...: Configuration for each test tools. All of them will be executed, even if the other test tools are success or not.
  • ignore key: Define whether the build should be considered as failed or not when the test tool is failed. The default value is false. If you set it to true, the build will be considered as success even when the command returns false (with non-zero exit code)
  • command: The section that defines command(s) that are expected to be run. If there are more than one commands in this section, framgia-ci will try to run them in the order from top to bottom. However, if one of them is failed, the entire section will be stopped, and the below commands will not be executed.
  • All the reports file (if existed) MUST be exported to a folder named .framgia-ci-reports
  • You can also use from keyword to extend from default template. For example:
from: php
    ignore: true # Extend the default configuration from php template, but override the ignore property for phpcs tool


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