
How to grade:

  • Download this folder of scripts
  • Download submissions.zip and extract it into the script folder, name it submissions
  • Put your grader<>.txt in this folder, name it grader.txt
  • Run sh grade.sh in the script folder
  • Results (score, log, output) of each student will be stored in corpus/

The script grade.sh consists of:

  • Filter the corpus of students each TA needs to grade
  • Convert python2 to python3 (corpus 3)
  • Evaluate all testcases (main.py)


  • We have to use Python 3
  • Expected outputs with inputs are stored in folder test
  • We have to manually grade nqueens_restart (20 points)
  • Provable minor issues from students (order of printing, lower/upper cases, tab/space) were handled.