
Visualize event camera data in Python (EVIS course at TU Berlin)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Visualization of events using point clouds, event frames, voxel grids, etc.

Event-based Robot Vision. Exercise 2

Statement of the exercise

See the jupyter notebook. It is best visualized locally, as the images may not show online. In a terminal, run the command:

~/.local/bin/jupyter-notebook ex2_events_viz.ipynb


For the solution, see the python code (2.7) in the file ex2_events_visualization.py

You may run it in a terminal, using:

python ex2_events_visualization.py

Alternatively, you may run the code cell-by-cell using Spyder - The Scientific Python Development Environment

spyder ex2_events_visualization.py

Press (Shift + Enter) to run the current code cell (delimited by characters # %%) and advance to the next one.