
GeoNote is a web application that allows users to create and manage location-based notes on an interactive map.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GeoNote is a web application that allows users to create and manage location-based notes on an interactive map. It leverages the OpenStreetMap API for mapping functionality and provides an intuitive interface for users to mark points of interest, set reminders, and organize their geographical notes.


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  • Interactive Map: Utilizes Leaflet.js to display an interactive map where users can add notes by clicking on specific locations.
  • Location-Based Notes: Allows users to create notes associated with geographical coordinates, providing a spatial context to their reminders and information.
  • Storage Management: Persists notes locally, ensuring data is saved even when the user navigates away from the application. Local Storage API is used for efficient data retrieval and storage.
  • Custom Icons: Supports different note categories with custom icons for enhanced visualization, including options for home, work, travel, and more.
  • User Location Tracking: Automatically detects and displays the user's current location on the map using Geolocation API.
  • Responsive Design: Features a responsive and user-friendly design, making it accessible across various devices.