
Built with JavaScript and SCSS, this recipe app enables users to search for recipes, view detailed information including ingredients and cooking instructions, and manage a list of liked recipes.

Primary LanguageSCSS

Recipe App

Built with JavaScript and SCSS, this recipe app enables users to search for recipes, view detailed information including ingredients and cooking instructions, and manage a list of liked recipes.


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  • Search Functionality: Users can search for recipes using keywords.
  • Recipe Details: Detailed information about each recipe including ingredients, cooking instructions, and source.
  • Like Functionality: Users can like their favorite recipes, with liked recipes being saved locally.
  • Responsive Design: The app is designed to be responsive and user-friendly on various devices.

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript: Handles app functionality such as fetching data from an API, rendering recipes, and managing user interactions.
  • SCSS: Styles the user interface for improved visual appeal and user experience.
  • LocalStorage: Stores liked recipes locally, ensuring persistent user preferences.


To use the app, simply open the index.html file in your web browser. From there, you can search for recipes, view recipe details, like recipes, and explore the app's features.

Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository and submit pull requests for enhancements or bug fixes.