

Primary LanguageJava


MARM is a simple tool for processing assets for different device resolutions.


To build run:

ant dist

This will create marm_app.jar. To simplify its use you may create an alias:

alias marm="java -jar `pwd`/marm_app.jar"


The two main operation modes are resize and pack:

marm [OPTIONS] resize <dir-in> <dir-out>
marm [OPTIONS] pack <dir-in> <dir-out> <atlas name>

The files recognized and processed in <dir-in> are inkscape SVG, PNG and HIERO font files. Any other file is copied to the three destination directories as as.

Valid options are:

name=value          # set variable
-<n>                # request a particular size (n = 1, 2, 4 or 8)
-v                  # be verbose

If you don't specify any sizes then the tool will assume x1, x2 and x4.

Conversion rules

The conversion rules are any part of the filename between the last '_' and the file extension. For example the file A.svg with the conversion rules 2, 4 and p is renamed to A_24p.svg.

The rules decide how each file will be processed:

  • Plain files: p specifies that the file will not be processed for removing alpha-blended pixels.
  • Keep file: k specifies that the file will not be scaled.
  • Scale rules: 1/2/4/8 specifies the target scales.

For example the file A.svg will be converted to A.png and scaled to x1, x2 and x4. The result will be stored in 1/A.png, 2/A.png and 4/A.png However, if we were instead given A_12p.svg and A_4.svg the former would have been used to create 1/A.png and 2/A.png without alpha processing while the latter would have been used to create 4/A.png.

If a size is missing, marm will try to guess a compatible source.


MARM assumes the following commands to be available

  • convert
  • inkscape
  • hiero

You can replace these with your own, for example you can do:

marm inkscape="/opt/inkscape/bin/inkscape --export-background=red" resize indir outdir