
Spring shell in spring boot application over ssh

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Spring Boot Ssh Shell

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Spring shell in spring boot application over ssh

For more information please visit spring shell website or 2.0.1 reference documentation.

Getting started



Note: auto configuration SshShellAutoConfiguration (active by default) can be deactivated by property ssh.shell.enable=false.

It means that the ssh server won't start and the commands won't be scanned. Unfortunately the application will still load the spring-shell auto configuration classes and display a shell at startup (shell:>). You can disable them with following property:

      - org.springframework.shell.jline.JLineShellAutoConfiguration
      - org.springframework.shell.SpringShellAutoConfiguration
      - org.springframework.shell.jcommander.JCommanderParameterResolverAutoConfiguration
      - org.springframework.shell.legacy.LegacyAdapterAutoConfiguration
      - org.springframework.shell.standard.StandardAPIAutoConfiguration
      - org.springframework.shell.standard.commands.StandardCommandsAutoConfiguration


Please check class: SshShellProperties.java for more information

    enable: true
      enable: true
      # empty by default
      - ...
    # 'simple' or 'security'
    authentication: simple
    # if authentication set to 'security' the AuthenticationProvider bean name
    # if not specified and only one AuthenticationProvider bean is present in the context, it will be used 
    # optional file containing authorized public keys (standard authorized_keys format, one key per line starting with 'ssh-rsa')
    # takes precedence over authentication (simple or not)
    # for ssh helper 'confirm' method
    - y    
    - yes
    # set to false to disable following default built-in commands
      jvm: true
      postprocessors: true
      thread: true
    display-banner: true
    # to use AnyOsFileValueProvider instead of spring shell FileValueProvider for all File option parameters
    # if set to false, it still can be used via '@ShellOption(valueProvider = AnyOsFileValueProvider.class) File file'
    any-os-file-provider: true
    history-file: <java.io.tmpdir>/sshShellHistory.log
    host-key-file: <java.io.tmpdir>/hostKey.ser
    # displayed in log if generated
    port: 2222
    user: user
      # in enum: com.github.fonimus.ssh.shell.PromptColor (black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, bright)
      color: white
      text: 'shell>'
        # to let default local spring shell prompt when application starts
        enable: false
  • Add spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency to get actuator commands

  • Add spring-boot-starter-security dependency to configure ssh.shell.authentication=security with AuthenticationProvider

Writing commands

You can write your command exactly the way you would do with spring shell (For more information please visit spring shell (website, reference documentation)

Instead of using org.springframework.shell.standard.ShellComponent annotation, you should use com.github.fonimus.ssh.shell.commands.SshShellComponent: it is just a conditional @ShellComponent with @ConditionalOnProperty on property ssh.shell.enable


import org.springframework.shell.standard.ShellCommandGroup;
import org.springframework.shell.standard.ShellMethod;

import com.github.fonimus.ssh.shell.commands.SshShellComponent;

@ShellCommandGroup("Test Commands")
public class TestCommands {

	@ShellMethod("test command")	
	public String test() {
	  return "ok";

Actuator commands

If org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency is present, actuator commands will be available.

Command availability is binded to endpoint activation.

      enabled: false

It can also be deactivated by putting command name is exclusion list.

      - audit
      - ...

Post processors

Post processors can be used with '|' (pipe character) followed by the name of the post processor and the parameters. Also, custom ones can be added.

Provided post processors


This specific post processor takes the key character '>'.

Example: echo test > /path/to/file.txt


This post processor, named pretty takes an object and apply jackson pretty writer.

Example: info | pretty


This post processor, named json allows you to find a specific path within a json object.

Caution: you need to have a json string. You can apply pretty post processor before to do so.

Example: info | pretty | json /build/version


This post processor, named grep allows you to find specific patterns within a string.

Examples: info | grep boot,info | pretty | grep boot spring


This post processor, named highlight allows you to highlight specific patterns within a string.

Examples: info | highlight boot,info | pretty | highlight boot spring


To register a new json result post processor, you need to implement interface PostProcessor

Then register it within a spring configuration.


public PostProcessor quotePostProcessor() {
    return new PostProcessor<String>() {

        public String getName() {
            return "quote";

        public String process(String result, List parameters) {
            return "'" + result + "'";

Parameter providers


Enumeration option parameters have auto completion by default.


Thanks to AnyOsFileValueProvider.java (or FileValueProvider is deactivated), auto completion is available for java.io.File option parameters.

Custom values

To enable auto completion for a parameter, declare a valueProvider class.

Note: the value provider has to be in the spring context.

@ShellOption(valueProvider = CustomValuesProvider.class) String message

class CustomValuesProvider
        extends ValueProviderSupport {

    private final static String[] VALUES = new String[]{
            "message1", "message2", "message3"

    public List<CompletionProposal> complete(MethodParameter parameter, CompletionContext completionContext, String[] hints) {
        return Arrays.stream(VALUES).map(CompletionProposal::new).collect(Collectors.toList());

Custom authentication

Instead of setting user and password (or using generated one), you can implement your own SshShellAuthenticationProvider.

Auto configuration will create default implementation only if there is not an existing one in the spring context.


import com.github.fonimus.ssh.shell.SshShellAuthenticationProvider;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class CustomPasswordConfiguration {

    public SshShellAuthenticationProvider sshShellAuthenticationProvider() {
        return (user, pass, serverSession) -> user.equals(pass);


Command helper

A com.github.fonimus.ssh.shell.SshShellHelper bean is provided in context to help for additional functionalities.

You can either autowire it or inject it in constructor:

import com.github.fonimus.ssh.shell.SshShellHelper;

public class DemoCommand {
	private SshShellHelper helper;
	// or
	public DemoCommand(SshShellHelper helper){
		this.helper = helper;

User interaction

Print output

public class DemoCommand {
	private SshShellHelper helper;

	@ShellMethod("Print command")	
	public String print() {
	    boolean success = ...;
	    helper.print("Some message");
	    helper.print("Some black message", PromptColor.BLACK);
	    helper.printSuccess("Some success message");
	    return success ? helper.getSuccess("Some returned success message") : helper.getColored("Some returned blue message", PromptColor.BLUE);

Read input

public class DemoCommand {
	private SshShellHelper helper;

	@ShellMethod("Welcome command")	
	public String welcome() {
	    String name = helper.read("What's your name ?");
	    return "Hello, '" + name + "' !";


Util confirm method displays confirmation message and returns true if response equals ignore case confirmation words.

Default confirmation words are [y, yes]:

You can specify if it is case sensitive and provide your own confirmation words.

public class DemoCommand {
	private SshShellHelper helper;

	@ShellMethod("Confirmation command")
	public String conf() {
	    return helper.confirm("Are you sure ?" [, true|false] [, "oui", "si", ...]) ? "Great ! Let's do it !" : "Such a shame ...";


A builder com.github.fonimus.ssh.shell.SimpleTableBuilder is available to quickly set up print table.

Quick example:

    .line(Arrays.asList("line1 col1", "line1 col2", "line1 col3", "line1 col4"))
    .line(Arrays.asList("line2 col1", "line2 col2", "line2 col3", "line2 col4"))
    .line(Arrays.asList("line3 col1", "line3 col2", "line3 col3", "line3 col4"))
    .line(Arrays.asList("line4 col1", "line4 col2", "line4 col3", "line4 col4"))
    .line(Arrays.asList("line5 col1", "line5 col2", "line5 col3", "line5 col4"))
    .line(Arrays.asList("line6 col1", "line6 col2", "line6 col3", "line6 col4"))

Result :

│   col1   │   col2   │   col3   │   col4   │
│line1 col1│line1 col2│line1 col3│line1 col4│
│line2 col1│line2 col2│line2 col3│line2 col4│
│line3 col1│line3 col2│line3 col3│line3 col4│
│line4 col1│line4 col2│line4 col3│line4 col4│
│line5 col1│line5 col2│line5 col3│line5 col4│
│line6 col1│line6 col2│line6 col3│line6 col4│


This method takes an interface to display lines at regular interval.

Every refresh delay (here 2 seconds), com.github.fonimus.ssh.shell.interactive.InteractiveInput.getLines is called.

This can be used to display progress, monitoring, etc.

The interactive builder, Interactive.java allows you to build your interactive command.

This builder can also take key bindings to make specific actions, whose can be made by the following builder: KeyBinding.java.

public class DemoCommand {
	private SshShellHelper helper;
	@ShellMethod("Interactive command")
	public void interactive() {
        KeyBinding binding = KeyBinding.builder()
                .description("K binding example")
                .key("k").input(() -> LOGGER.info("In specific action triggered by key 'k' !")).build();

        Interactive interactive = Interactive.builder().input((size, currentDelay) -> {
            LOGGER.info("In interactive command for input...");
            List<AttributedString> lines = new ArrayList<>();
            AttributedStringBuilder sb = new AttributedStringBuilder(size.getColumns());

            sb.append("\nCurrent time", AttributedStyle.BOLD).append(" : ");
            sb.append(String.format("%8tT", new Date()));


            SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
            lines.add(new AttributedStringBuilder().append(helper.progress(sr.nextInt(100)),
                    AttributedStyle.DEFAULT.foreground(sr.nextInt(6) + 1)).toAttributedString());
            lines.add(AttributedString.fromAnsi(SshShellHelper.INTERACTIVE_LONG_MESSAGE + "\n"));

            return lines;


Note: existing key bindings are:

  • q: to quit interactive command and go back to shell
  • +: to increase refresh delay by 1000 milliseconds
  • -: to decrease refresh delay by 1000 milliseconds

Role check

If you are using AuthenticationProvider thanks to property ssh.shell.authentication=security, you can check that connected user has right authorities for command. The easiest way of doing it is thanks to ShellMethodAvailability functionality. Example:

public class DemoCommand {
	private SshShellHelper helper;

	@ShellMethod("Admin command")
	public String admin() {
		return "Finally an administrator !!";

	public Availability adminAvailability() {
		if (!helper.checkAuthorities(Collections.singletonList("ADMIN"))) {
			return Availability.unavailable("admin command is only for an admin users !");
		return Availability.available();

Retrieve spring security authentication

public class DemoCommand {
	private SshShellHelper helper;
	@ShellMethod("Authentication command")
	public SshAuthentication authentication() {
		return helper.getAuthentication();


If a banner is found in spring context and display-banner is set to true, it will be used as welcome prompt message.


It can be annoying to load ssh server during spring boot tests. SshShellProperties class provides constants to easily deactivate the all ssh and spring shell auto configurations:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE, properties = { "ssh.shell.port=2346",
public class ApplicationTest {}


Release notes


  • Add property ssh.shell.authorized-public-keys-file to specify authorized public keys to login via ssh. This file is a standard authorized_keys format (one key per line, starting with ssh-rsa)
  • Add some methods in helper to help build table with com.github.fonimus.ssh.shell.SimpleTableBuilder


  • Add property ssh.shell.prompt.local.enable (false by default) to let default local spring shell prompt when application starts


  • Bump to spring boot 2.2.0.RELEASE
    • Audit and Http Trace actuator commands will be disabled by default, because endpoint will be by spring boot by default (check spring boot migration 2.2 for more info)
  • Fix hanging terminal when unexpected runtime exception occurs


  • Bump to spring boot 2.1.7.RELEASE
  • Bump to sshd 2.3.0
  • Add properties to exclude not wanted built-in commands
    • Via properties ssh.shell.default-commands.*


  • Add threads, jvm-env and jvm-properties built-it commands


  • AnyOsFileValueProvider.java replaces FileValueProvider (spring shell default) by default
    • Supports Windows OS in addition to Unix
    • Can be deactivated by ssh.shell.any-os-file-provider


  • Remove static from SshShellHelper methods (getColored, getBackgroundColored)
  • Add methods in SshShellHelper
    • terminalSize to get terminal columns and rows capabilities
    • progress to fill line with progress bar
      • [========> ]
    • interactive which takes an interface to display lines at regular interval
      • Check complete sample for a demo


  • Fix option arguments with spaces, quotes, etc
  • Update to spring boot 2.1.3
  • Update to javadoc plugin 3.1.0
  • Update to sshd 2.2.0


  • Update to spring boot 2.1.0
    • Avoid overriding bean definitions as it is now disabled by default



  • Add new post processor
    • highlight
  • Fix various issues where ssh.shell.enable=false makes application fail to start
  • Add new @SshShellComponent


  • Add post processor feature
    • pretty
    • grep
    • json
    • save
  • Fix issue with terminal size which made autocomplete fail


  • Make PrettyJsonResultHandler bean conditional on jackson ObjectMapper class
  • Fix application start issue if banner is with configured with off mode


  • Fix not working history
  • Make history file location configurable
  • Add authentication objects in ssh session context


  • Add more user interactions in SshShellHelper


  • Add spring security authentication provider for ssh connection
  • Add spring security roles check
  • Add user interactions (read, confirm)
  • Bug fixes


  • First stable release