1. GraphQL Schema-first Course Overview
2. Introduction to GraphQL with NestJS5
3. Code First vs Schema First
4. Creating our first GraphQL Application
5. Introduction to Resolvers and Object Types
6. GraphQL Schemas, Types, and Scalars
7. Passing Arguments: Returning a Coffee by ID
8. Using GraphQL Variables
9. Manipulating Data with Mutations
10. Creating a Service
11. Connecting to a Database with TypeOrm
12. Using Repository to Access Database
13. Adding Update and Delete Operations
14. Auto-validate Input Data
15. Adding Relation to two Entities
16. Using Field Resolvers
17. Understanding Custom Scalar Types
18. Using GraphQL Interfaces
19. Unions and Enums
20. Real-time Updates with Subscriptions
21. Batching and Caching with Data Loader
$ nvm use 14
$ npm install
$ npx ts-node src/generate-types
$ docker-compose up -d
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev