The example project of inferencing Pose Estimation using Core ML
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it run on my phone?
#44 opened by henbucuoshanghai - 2
Need some suggestion in library
#45 opened by Deepak-kumar-varshney - 0
Pose Estimation for Core ML logo
#42 opened by tucan9389 - 2
Understanding performance test
#41 opened by yonatanbitton - 1
use of undeclared type 'model_cpm'
#32 opened by yhihui - 2
- 3
Minimal example for image inference
#40 opened by yonatanbitton - 5
Support 3D pose estimation
#35 opened by tucan9389 - 0
Use Metal texture when drawing heatmaps
#38 opened by tucan9389 - 0
Use GPU on post-processing like argmax
#37 opened by tucan9389 - 2
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- 0
Support apple's posenet.mlmodel
#34 opened by tucan9389 - 0
Is the model latest? How do I update it?
#30 opened by LONGDDSF - 1
Performance Test
#17 opened by tucan9389 - 4
Performance problem in Xcode 11.3
#27 opened by vml933 - 0
Support the model having points array output
#29 opened by tucan9389 - 0
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Support cocoapods
#7 opened by tucan9389 - 7
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Quantization test
#6 opened by tucan9389 - 9
Hourglass model
#1 opened by edvardHua - 0
GIF image upload issue
#23 opened by tucan9389 - 3
Can't build project
#26 opened by TheBuilderJR - 5
Fever problem
#25 opened by ColdStar007 - 1
Inferencing with .pb file ?
#24 opened by ShreshthSaxena - 1
How show in front camera?
#22 opened by Tsepu - 0
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Why did you add 0.5 when transpose predicted point to (1.0, 1.0)? What is 0.5?
#18 opened by KrasnikovRoman - 1
I'm having trouble trying to test your code
#16 opened by PineLover - 0
Implement moving average filter
#15 opened by tucan9389 - 4
#14 opened by CoderBt - 1
Support PCKh and compare to each model(PoseEstimationForMobile, PoseNet, Fritz's pose estimation, ARKit3's body tracking etc.)
#13 opened by tucan9389 - 0
Support objective-C
#12 opened by tucan9389 - 0
Need measure accuracy(PCKh) in mobile.
#11 opened by tucan9389 - 5
How to add another CoreML model? Detection output feed to another CoreML model (GAN)?
#9 opened by Russzheng - 2
I can`t find .mlmodel files
#10 opened by serkozzz - 1
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Separate Measure.swift module from project
#4 opened by tucan9389 - 1
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Implement heatmap tap
#3 opened by tucan9389