a JS mock for indexeddb, with jasmine examples.
The mock uses built-in timers to simulate async. A number of flags can be toggled in the test setup, allowing control over success or failure of certain operations, like saving an item, creating a store, or opening a cursor.
This makes the mock somewhat complicated, and the tests can be complicated to write.
Note: this mock is not exhaustive, but does provide a reasonable amount of functionality. For example, the mock does not simulate multiple stores. Though dbname is passed to open(), it is ignored.
These examples assume an AngularJS app where a simple service (let's call it Storage) has been written to wrap IndexedDB, and jasmine/karma are used to write and run tests. Directory structure assumes the project was scaffolded with yo.
The tests below further assume that this Storage service uses promises.
Note: This Storage service is not provided; the tests below are specific to a specific implementation, and may not be useful to your implementation.
Download indexeddb.js and put it in test/mock. The default karma.conf.js configuration should include the mock. If not, add this line to the files[] configuration:
Your Angular service should include a public API to get the indexedDB from window, like this:
return {
getIndexedDBReference: function() {
return indexedDB;
This will allow you to easily spy on the call and return the mock.
The beforeEach() should:
- reset the mock
- save data to the mock, if needed
- spy on the call to return the mock
var key1 = 'foo';
var key2 = 'baz';
var savedItem1 = {'foo' : 'bar'};
var savedItem2 = {'baz' : 'bat'};
var datatypeName = 'does_not_matter';
beforeEach(inject(function ($injector, $rootScope, $timeout) {
commitIndexedDBMockData(key1, savedItem1);
commitIndexedDBMockData(key2, savedItem2);
scope = $rootScope.$new();
service = $injector.get('Storage');
timeout = $timeout;
spyOn(service, 'getIndexedDBReference').andReturn(mockIndexedDB);
Using the beforeEach() above, a get() call might be first tested like this:
it('should call openCursor', inject(function () {
spyOn(window.mockIndexedDBStore, 'openCursor').andCallThrough();
// the mocked db open has a timer for calling request.onsuccess.
// we need to pause the test until that time expires (via the
// mockIndexedDB_openDBSuccess variable), then we can continue.
runs(function() {
service.get(datatypeName).then(function(response) {
scope.data = response;
waitsFor(function() {
return window.mockIndexedDB_openDBSuccess;
}, 'open DB success', 500);
runs(function() {
And then further tested like this:
it('should return any saved items', inject(function () {
// the mocked db open has a timer for calling request.onsuccess.
// we need to pause the test until that time expires (via the
// mockIndexedDB_openDBSuccess variable), then we can continue.
runs(function() {
service.get(datatypeName).then(function(response) {
scope.data = response;
waitsFor(function() {
return window.mockIndexedDB_openDBSuccess;
}, 'open DB success', 500);
runs(function() {
// the mocked cursor has a timer for calling request.onsuccess.
waitsFor(function() {
return window.mockIndexedDB_openCursorSuccess;
}, 'open cursor success', 500);
// wait for flag telling us the cursor is done reading
waitsFor(function() {
return window.mockIndexedDB_cursorReadingDone;
}, 'cursor done', 500);
runs(function() {
The implementation of the cursor looping in the service may look like this:
var objectStore = openedDB.transaction([storeName], 'readonly').objectStore(storeName);
var request = objectStore.openCursor();
var values = [];
var keys = [];
request.onsuccess = function(event) {
var cursor = event.target.result;
if (cursor) {
var key = cursor.key;
var value = cursor.value;
else {
var results = {'keys': keys, 'values': values};
$timeout(function() {
A failure flag can be set, then tested. Here, we are setting the flag to indicate the DB cannot be opened:
it('should fail if i cannot open the database', inject(function () {
mockIndexedDBTestFlags.canOpenDB = false;
runs(function() {
service.get(datatypeName).then(function(response) {
scope.data = response;
}, function(reject) {
scope.reject = reject;
waitsFor(function() {
return window.mockIndexedDB_openDBFail;
}, 'open DB fail', 100);
runs(function() {
Here, we are setting the flag to indicate the DB cannot be read:
it('should fail if i cannot read the database', inject(function () {
runs(function() {
mockIndexedDBTestFlags.canReadDB = false;
service.get(datatypeName).then(function(response) {
scope.data = response;
}, function(reject) {
scope.reject = reject;
waitsFor(function() {
return window.mockIndexedDB_openDBSuccess;
}, 'open DB success', 500);
runs(function() {
waitsFor(function() {
return window.mockIndexedDB_openCursorFail;
}, 'read DB fail', 100);
runs(function() {
To set up:
var datatypeName = 'message';
var key = '1';
var data1 = {'uniqueId':1, message: 'i like soup.'};
beforeEach(inject(function ($injector, $rootScope, $timeout) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
service = $injector.get('Storage');
timeout = $timeout;
spyOn(service, 'getIndexedDBReference').andReturn(mockIndexedDB);
To test:
it('should call objectstore.put', inject(function () {
spyOn(window.mockIndexedDBStore, 'put');
runs(function() {
service.save(datatypeName, key, data1).then(function(response) {
scope.data = response;
waitsFor(function() {
return window.mockIndexedDB_openDBSuccess;
}, 'open DB success', 500);
runs(function() {
expect(window.mockIndexedDBStore.put).toHaveBeenCalledWith(data1, key);
Checking a save failure:
it('should fail if we cannot save', inject(function () {
runs(function() {
mockIndexedDBTestFlags.canSave = false;
service.save(datatypeName, key, data1).then(function(response) {
scope.data = response;
}, function(reject) {
scope.reject = reject;
waitsFor(function() {
return window.mockIndexedDB_openDBSuccess;
}, 'open DB success', 500);
runs(function() {
waitsFor(function() {
return window.mockIndexedDB_saveFail;
}, 'save fail', 500);
runs(function() {