- 0
- 6
LaTeX Error: Unknown option 'centerframetitle' for package tudabeamer with mecheng
#488 opened by grigorishat - 4
Bug with \tuprints license and ngerman
#490 opened by GuestDoc - 2
Poster Logo Position
#489 opened by lks9 - 5
Text for "Erklärung laut Promotionsordnung" changed
#484 opened by jbund256 - 3
Letter template broken?
#487 opened by schoeps - 1
Accent color broken in pdfa
#476 opened by Ticqi - 20
pdfx with current LaTeX Release (2024/06/01) - Not only Letter template broken
#472 opened by schoeps - 1
Vertically center a title in TUDa poster template
#485 opened by aroojsajjad - 1
Hinweis über "Geburtsort"-Pflicht entfernen
#480 opened by sepki - 11
TU-DA-Logo in Latex-Installation
#477 opened by David-Scheunert - 1
- 2
beamer 2023: long titles are not vertically aligned
#481 opened by mrd0ll4r - 5
Fonts with better Unicode coverage
#479 opened by mohe2015 - 1
KOMA-Script Guide broken link
#475 opened by MartinSchoenstedt - 3
pdfx package error
#474 opened by BPollicino - 1
\department not using prefix on thesis titlepage
#468 opened by maxkratz - 1
TUDaPhD Affidavit: Another adjustment (§8 Abs 1 lit c)
#470 opened by sepki - 2
TUDaPhD Affidavit: Adjustment due to the updated amendment of the doctoral regulations (§ 9 Abs. 1 PromO)
#469 opened by sepki - 3
Letter template and updated reference mechanism
#473 opened by TeXhackse - 2
Improve installation instructions for linux
#471 opened by Axolord - 9
Move example files
#467 opened by TeXhackse - 7
Wrong display of accentcolor option (CMYK vs. RGB)
#456 opened by ruben-mal - 1
Bullets in nested item lists are misplaced
#459 opened by schoeps - 4
Beamer 2023 Example fails to build with TL2024-2024-04-14 for uppercase=false frames
#465 opened by mrd0ll4r - 1
Beamer 2023: Unclear how to use authorontitle option
#466 opened by mrd0ll4r - 2
Regression on 2023 beamer (recent commits) ?
#462 opened by long21wt - 2
- 2
sublogo alignment in TUDabeamer 2023
#457 opened by TeXhackse - 5
Colors in frametitle (design=2023)
#460 opened by schoeps - 8
- 4
citations not found
#463 opened by larsfw - 2
Problem with citations on sharelatex
#458 opened by SirCodealot-py - 1
Zweites Logo auf Titelseite einfügen
#461 opened by larsfw - 3
New Slide Layout via design2023 (beta)
#444 opened by TeXhackse - 1
Fehlt folgende Pflichtangabe: "Jahr der Veröffentlichung der Dissertation auf TUprints: 2024"
#455 opened by brunomorampc - 3
Undefined control sequence \ProcessKeyOptions [ptxcd/pub] when running TUDa-PhD v3.36
#454 opened by m0m0khan - 9
- 6
- 3
\tuprints add 's' for https links (ULB request)
#451 opened by sepki - 2
Custom margins for specific pages
#448 opened by Morbuch - 2
- 5
table of contents in beamer design2023
#447 opened by towadroid - 2
- 7
License w/o TUPrints Info
#446 opened by ChristophReich1996 - 1
- 3
\submissiondate and \examdate on first and second title page in different languages
#443 opened by EFitzke - 4
Undefined control sequence durch Bibliografie
#442 opened by BPollicino - 9
Glossary does not show up in TUDaThesis
#440 opened by ChristophReich1996 - 4
Spelling mistakes in affidavit since 8db26fe
#436 opened by georg-jung