
A Discord bot to track and manage productivity streaks

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A bot for DevStreak to track and manage streaks. Built with discord.js.

Setup & testing

Giving out the bot's login secret is dangerous so you'll need to make your own bot and add it to your own server to test it.

  1. Follow this guide on how to setup your own bot
  2. Create a file called ".env" and make the contents BOT_SECRET=yourbotsecret
  3. Run npm install -g nodemon (nodemon auto restarts the app if you make any changes)
  4. Run npm start to start testing
  5. (optional) If you want to play with gifs you need to get a Giphy API key and add GIPHY_KEY=yourgiphykey to the .env file

Follow this guide to learn how to add a bot to your own server.

Make sure your bot is given admin permissions! Or at the very least, the ability to create channels.

Server configuration

In order to use the bot properly in your own server there are 3 steps that you do:

  1. Use the !setchannels command to define the channels (comma separated or *) that users can build streaks in. This command overwrites any previously set channels
  2. Have a channel named announcements, this is the channel the bot will make announcements in. This is also hardcoded and the name cannot be changed
  3. (optional) Specify an active streak role and top streak role. You can do this with the !setrole command. (usage: !setrole [top/active] [rolename/id])

example: If your active streaks role is named Active Streak, you would set this by typing !setrole active Active Streak. You can also give the id of the role instead of its name.