Fuzzing for Adversarial examples in Tree Ensembles

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fuzzing for adversarial examples

  1. Make sure you have installed libFuzzer (clang-11) and optionally the LT-attack (executable should be in the root of this repo as lt_attack), the Gurobi optimizer, AFL++ and honggfuzz
  2. Set the appropriate paths in python/constants.py
  3. Download the data.
  4. Adjust the settings in python/constants.py according to your wishes
  5. There are 2 command line tools: python/run_fate.py and python/automate.py. Execute with -h flag for detailed descriptions and options.
  6. Run python3 python/run_fate.py [dataset_name] [model_type] --reload once for each dataset
  7. Using --reload is only necessary for the first run for each dataset. It will generate/train the model to be fuzzed. Afterwards, do not provide --reload for speedup (training the model is not necessary anymore) and consistency.
  8. Optionally, the baseline methods can be run via python/run_milp.py and python/run_zhang.py
  9. Most settings in python/constants.py (everything that does not have to do with the training of the model) can be adjusted without having to specify --reload again.