
[ECML-PKDD 2022] Adversarially robust decision tree relabeling

Primary LanguagePython

Adversarially Robust Decision Tree Relabeling

This repository contains the source code for reproducing 'Adversarially Robust Decision Tree Relabeling'. The main contribution is robust relabeling which is implemented under robust_relabeling.py. Training trees with the robust relabeling criterion can be done with our implementation extending the GROOT framework under model.py. The remaining scripts are used for generating tables and figures of the paper as explained below.


To run our code a relatively new version of python is required (>= 3.6). Then, all dependencies can be installed as follows:

pip install -r requirements.txt

We recommend doing this within a virtual environment.

Reproducing results

The most important results are the ones comparing the performance of different algorithms for training trees / ensembles. Running compare_robustness.py loads the datasets, splits them, executes all training methods, evaluates the models and saves models + results under out/. This can take approximately a day to run. Especially training trees with robust relabeling as criterion is slow which can be turned off for example by runnning:

python compare_robustness.py --ignore_relabeling_criterion

The latex tables can be generated using plot_results.py. Some information about the datasets can be printed by running summarize_datasets.py.

Visualizing toy datasets

To create plots of decision trees / random forests / gradient boosting on toy data run:

python plot_robustification.py

Timing relabeling and relabeling criterion trees

To measure the time taken for robustly relabeling different models or for training trees with the relabling criterion run:

python time_relabeling.py

Comparing with Cost Complexity Pruning

Comparing accuracy and adversarial accuracy scores for all dataset can be done by running:

python compare_pruning.py