
Template repository for minix tasks, operating systems. SO MIMUW 20/21.

Primary LanguageC


This is a template for minix tasks. Create new repository by clicking "Use this template" button in the upper right corner.

Getting started:

  1. Go to the /scripts directory.
  2. In the .config file change username=ab123456 to your student index. This is used to access the students machine and for exporting the solution.
  3. Run download_image.sh script. This will create /images/base_image directory, download minix.img.xz from students.mimuw.edu.pl and decompress it. You may need to provide your password during this step.

Creating new machine:

  1. Run create_image.sh script. This will create new minix.img in the /images directory. Re-running this script always deletes previous image before creating a new one.
  2. Using another terminal run start_machine.sh script. This will run qemu machine.
  3. Run set_up_machine.sh. This will set up SSH key on the running machine and install rsync on it. If you don't have a ssh key, you may need to generate it using ssh-keygen.
  4. Run sync_machine.sh script to sync local /usr and /tests with the running machine.

Usage, syncing and reinstalling:

Edit minix source code in the /sources/task/usr directory and other programs in the /tests directory. Sync changes with the running machine using sync_machine.sh script. Install changes using reinstall_machine.sh script. If something went wrong, you can always create new image as in Creating new image section.

.patch file

To create ab123456.patch file, use create_patch.sh script. Apply patch to the newly craeted minix machine using apply_patch.sh. Applying may fail if the running machine's files differ from original source.


Minix sometimes crashes/freezes during ssh operations. Memory limit can be inceased to reduce the likelihood of it by setting bigger value for -m flag in qemu-system-x86_64 command inside start_machine.sh script.

You can edit reinstall_machine.sh script to remove some make && make install commands if the current task does not involve all of the directories.

ssh -p "${ssh_port}" root@localhost << EOF
cd /usr/src
make includes
cd /usr/src/minix/fs/procfs
make && make install
cd /usr/src/minix/servers/pm
make && make install
cd /usr/src/minix/drivers/storage/ramdisk
make && make install
cd /usr/src/minix/drivers/storage/memory
make && make install
cd /usr/src/lib/libc
make && make install
cd /usr/src/releasetools
make do-hdboot

echo "Rebooting. You can exit with Ctrl+C"


Workflow inspired by LAB 1 minix_source.tar.xz on the SO2021 lab website.