
A node.js hack to change the modified time of files based on EXIF data (for pictures) or the filename (for movies or files lacking EXIF data)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A node.js hack to change the modified time of files based on EXIF data (for pictures) or the filename (for movies or files lacking EXIF data)

Uses the great ExifTool by Phil Harvey if installed and available in the current path, otherwise tries a very crude parsing of the filename.


  • Node.js obviously
  • Chalk for color output: $ npm install chalk
  • GNU core utilities on macOS, because Apples's BSD ones have different command line switches and I just can't be bothered. Install them through Homebrew or MacPorts: $ brew install coreutils


timestamp.js [-q|--quick] "/path/to/some/directory"

Updates the modification times of image or video files in the specified directory using the capture times from their EXIF data.

If no EXIF data is found or if you specify the -q (--quick) option, it tries to parse the file's name for information looking for text that resembles the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss. The parsing is not very smart or foolproof (see line 34 in timestamp.mjs for the used regular expression).

Supported files: jp(e)g, png, gif, mp4, m4v, mov, avi.