
This project explores CP, SAT, and MIP technologies for solving the Constrained Shortest Path problem and compares their performance.

Primary LanguagePython


This project explores CP, SAT, and MIP technologies for solving the Constrained Shortest Path problem and compares their performance.

Generating graphs

To generate the graph, move to the graph_generation run the following commands:

cd graph_generation
python generate_demo_graphs.py

The graph will be drawn and saved in the graph_generation/graphs folder. Example graphs

To convert the graphs to the format used by the solvers, run the following command:

python read_graphs.py

The new files will be saved in the graph_generation/data folder.

To convert .dzn instances to txt file use the following:

First, put the .dzn files that you want to convert in a data folder together with the convert.py. Next create an empty sat folder and run the following command:

python convert.py data/FRCSP_Instance_1.dzn

Instructions for solving with CP

Navigate to cp/minizinc/Variants. There you will find the run_all.py file which takes a single argument determining the type of problem to solve. To solve the Full Resource CSP, use frcsp. To solve the Task-Constrained CSP, use tcsp. The resulting command will look as follows:

python run_all.py tcsp

Instructions for solving with SAT

For running NCSP:

Navigate to sat-node-task folder and run:

python sat_directed_edges-idpool.py data-txt/SP_Instance_1-sat.txt node g3

For running TCSP - ordered or unordered: (You need to add the number of task sets at the end of first line ...)

Navigate to sat-node-task folder and run:

python sat_directed_edges-idpool.py data-txt/SP_Instance_1-data.txt unordered_task g3

Running with run_all.py for NCSP and TCSP

Navigate to sat-node-task folder and perform the following steps: First create a folder output_sat, then inside it create a folder for each solver that you are planning to run - cadical153, (g3 and m22). In each solver folder, create two subfolders - node and unordered_task. Finally, to run all instances in data-txt folder as follows:

python run_all_with_sat.py sat-node-task

Running lab


  • Python version >= 3.7
    • For windows systems pysat may fail to install in which case try downgrading python to version <= 3.8 (see: the Pysat Github)
  • Some compiler for MIP???


We recommend installing the requirements in a Python virtual environment. This has the advantage that there are no modifications to the system-wide configuration.

To setup the virtual environment:

python -m venv venv

Then to activate the virtual envionment run:

Linux and Mac:
source venv/bin/activate

To install the requirements run:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


To run all the steps for the expirments run:

python run_lab.py --all

To see all the steps available run:

python run_lab.py

To run specific steps you can execute the run_lab.py script with the index or name of the steps for example:

python run_lab.py 1 2 # Will build and run all experiments
python run_lab.py parse-again # Will parse all the experiments
python run_lab.py 5 6 7 8 9 # Will generate all the reports