Demlo is a music library organizer. It can encode, fix case, change folder hierarchy according to tags or file properties, tag from an online database, copy covers while ignoring duplicates or those below a quality threshold, and much more. It makes it possible to manage your libraries uniformly and dynamically. You can write your own rules to fit your needs best.
Demlo aims to be as lightweight and portable as possible. Its only big dependency is the transcoder FFmpeg. The scripts are written in Lua for portability and speed while allowing virtually unlimited extensibility.
Compile-time dependencies:
- Go
- Lua (≥5.1)
- TagLib
Runtime dependencies:
- FFmpeg (with ffprobe, preferably latest version)
Optional dependencies:
- fpcalc (from chromaprint, to query tags online)
Set up a Go environment (see and run:
$ go get
The version number is set at compilation time. To package a specific version,
checkout the corresponding tag and set version
from the build command, e.g.:
go build -ldflags "-X main.version=r$(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git describe --tags --always).$(git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=short)"
or simply
go build -ldflags "-X main.version=$(git describe --tags --always)"
To build statically (assuming you have all the required static libraries at hand):
go build -ldflags '-extldflags "-static -ldl -lm -lz -lstdc++"'
Install the files as follows:
demlo -> /usr/{local/}bin/demlo
demlorc -> /usr/{local/}share/demlo/demlorc
scripts/ -> /usr/{local/}share/demlo/scripts/
See demlo -h
and the home page.