
A django-debug-toolbar panel that displays template rendering times for your Django application

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Template-timings is a panel for Django Debug Toolbar that gives an in-dept breakdown of the time it takes to render your Django templates (including templates included via {% extends %} and {% include %}).

Template-timings supports Django 1.11 and below, Django 2.0 and above do not work at the moment.


Install via pip (pip install django-debug-toolbar-template-timings) then add 'template_timings_panel.panels.TemplateTimings.TemplateTimings' to your DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS setting, and add 'template_timings_panel' to your INSTALLED_APPS:

# http://django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.org/en/latest/configuration.html#debug-toolbar-panels




Frequently asked questions

How much overhead does this add?

In my experience this panel adds about 10% overhead. The panel uses the standard SQLPanel that ships with debug-toolbar to handle the SQL timings, so if you disable that the overhead will decrease and you can still see the render times.

The SQL count is different from the SQLPanel?

SQLPanel counts all queries that are executed, wherease this panel only counts queries that are executed while rendering a template.


Configuration is optional. There is currently only one setting you can configure (the values below are the default):

IGNORED_TEMPLATES = ["debug_toolbar/*"] # Ignore these templates from the output