
EDGE: Efficient and Degree-Guided Graph Generation via Discrete Diffusion Modeling

Primary LanguagePython


Official pytorch implementation for "Efficient and Degree-Guided Graph Generation via Discrete Diffusion Modeling". Our code is devloped based on https://github.com/ehoogeboom/multinomial_diffusion.

We use the evaluation modules provided by https://github.com/uoguelph-mlrg/GGM-metrics and https://github.com/hheidrich/CELL.

Environment requirement


and dependencies from https://github.com/uoguelph-mlrg/GGM-metrics, https://github.com/hheidrich/CELL and https://github.com/ehoogeboom/multinomial_diffusion.

Training your degree sequence model

See node.ipynb, once you train the model, it's saved to the "./graphs" directory.

Training script

🌟IMPORTANT note on running EDGE for your own datasets: Do not use large diffusion steps for small graphs with less than 100 nodes, for those small graph datasets, please try #diffusion steps={8,16,32,64}

1. Training template for generic graph datasets

By default, we use an empirical degree sampler, which randomly takes a degree sequence from the training data as $d^0$ to perform degree guidance. You can replace the keyword empirical with neural in the option --empty_graph_sampler if you have trained your neural degree sampler.


python train.py \
        --epochs 50000 \
        --num_generation 64 \
        --diffusion_dim 64 \
        --diffusion_steps 128 \
        --device cuda:1 \
        --dataset Ego \
        --batch_size 8 \
        --clip_value 1 \
        --lr 1e-4 \
        --optimizer adam \
        --final_prob_edge 1 0 \
        --sample_time_method importance \
        --check_every 500 \
        --eval_every 500 \
        --noise_schedule linear \
        --dp_rate 0.1 \
        --loss_type vb_ce_xt_prescribred_st \
        --arch TGNN_degree_guided \
        --parametrization xt_prescribed_st \
        --empty_graph_sampler empirical \     
        --degree \
        --num_heads 8 8 8 8 1 

2. training template for large network datasets


python train.py \
        --epochs 50000 \
        --num_generation 64 \
        --num_iter 256 \
        --diffusion_dim 64 \
        --diffusion_steps 512 \
        --device cuda:0 \
        --dataset polblogs \
        --batch_size 4 \
        --clip_value 1 \
        --lr 1e-4 \
        --optimizer adam \
        --final_prob_edge 1 0 \
        --sample_time_method importance \
        --check_every 50 \
        --eval_every 50 \
        --noise_schedule linear \
        --dp_rate 0.1 \
        --loss_type vb_ce_xt_prescribred_st \
        --arch TGNN_degree_guided \
        --parametrization xt_prescribed_st \
        --degree \
        --num_heads 8 8 8 8 1 

Evaluation is done every eval_every epochs. You can also re-evaluate a specific checkpoint using the script below.

Evaluation script

python evaluate.py \
        --run_name 2023-05-29_18-29-35 \
        --dataset polblogs \
        --num_samples 8 \
        --checkpoints 5500


Training results can be found in wandb/{dataset_name}/multinomial_diffusion/multistep/{run_name}

Work in progress

We are still working on integrating the following two features into our code:

  • Even faster sampling by incrementally modifying graph.

  • Attributed graph generation.