
Docker Compose Spring Eureka,Spring Cloud API Gateway,FeignClient Example

Primary LanguageJava

Docker Compose Spring Eureka,Spring Cloud API Gateway,FeignClient Example

Run the System

We can easily run the whole with only a single command:

  • docker-compose up

The services can be run on the background with command:

  • docker-compose up -d

Stop the System

Stopping all the running containers is also simple with a single command:

  • docker-compose down

If you need to stop and remove all containers, networks, and all images used by any service in docker-compose.yml file, use the command:

  • docker-compose down --rmi all


Service EndPoint Method Description
Customer /api/v1/customer/order/{customerid} GET Return customer order detail
Product /api/v1/product/{id} GET Return product detail

customer-service microservice connect to product-service via Feign

  • Eureka

You can open Eureka : http://localhost:8761 username:admin password:admin


  • Postman
