TweetMapR is a poor man's realtime Twitter client (read-only for now) consuming Twitter Streaming API and broadcasts data to the clients via SignalR.
You can run TweetMapR on your box. Just clone the repository and move the following files and under TweetMapR/src/TweetMapR:
- scripts/TweetMapR_config/Web.config
- scripts/TweetMapR_config/Web.Debug.config
- scripts/TweetMapR_config/Web.Release.config
Then, set your Twitter API Keys inside the Web.config file you just copied:
<add key="ConsumerKey" value="" />
<add key="ConsumerSecret" value="" />
<add key="Token" value="" />
<add key="TokenSecret" value="" />
Finally, run the TweetMapR project. You are good to go!
To run the Windows 8 client, you need to add your own Bing Maps Key to MainPage.xaml file. To get a Bing Maps Key, refer here: Getting a Bing Maps Key.