Welcome to my 3D portfolio! This interactive and visually engaging portfolio showcases my skills, projects, and experiences using Three.js, JavaScript, HTML, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.
Check out the live demo: 3D Portfolio
- Navigation Bar: Navigate seamlessly through the various sections of the portfolio.
- Hero Section: A captivating introduction with 3d animation to grab attention.
- About Section: Learn more about me and my background.
- Projects Section: Explore the projects I've worked on.
- Experience Section: Discover my professional journey and experiences.
- Skills Section: A visual representation of my skills and expertise.
- Contact Section: Reach out to me easily with the provided contact information.
- Three.js: A powerful 3D graphics library.
- JavaScript: The language used for scripting and interactivity.
- HTML: Structuring the content of the portfolio.
- TypeScript: Adding static typing for a more robust codebase.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for styling.
- Email.js: Send emails directly from JavaScript.
Explore the different sections of the portfolio using the navigation bar. Interact with the 3D elements to get a unique and immersive experience.