
“JumpIn” - Easy to use job search Android app for blue collar workers using visual displays of talent or performance.

Primary LanguageJava

Project - JumpIn

JumpIn Easy to use job search Android app for blue collar workers using visual displays of talent or performance

User Stories

The following required functionality is completed:

  • Job Seeker/Employeer can login our sign up with Firebase authentication.
  • Job Seeker/Employeer can add photos to his/her profile.
    • User can store his/her photos in Firebase storage (This step will be completed)
  • Job Seeker/Employeer can display his/her profile
  • Job Seeker can display job posts
  • Job Seeker can apply a job.
  • Job Seeker can see his/her job applications.
  • Employer can display job seekers.
  • Employer can display job seekers' profiles.
  • Employer can contact with job seekers.
  • Employer can display applications.
  • Employer can create new job posts.
  • Employer can display its job posts.
  • Employer can edit its profile.
  • Employer/Job Seekers can save job seekers/jobs to see later.
  • Employer/Job Seekers can filter job seekers/jobs.
  • Gmail authentication.
  • Improve UI polish.

Image Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough


  • This app is using Firebase real-time database, and you should run this app on minimum firebase-database:9.8.0 version.
  • Min api 21.
  • This app is still under development/improvement.

Open-source libraries used