
Simple php library for interacting with Litecoin/Bitcoin Core wallet via json rpc

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Litecoin Core and Bitcoin Core rpc client

This package provides an easy to use rpc client for litecoin and bitcoin wallets


The recommended way to install client is using Composer:

Download and install Composer.

Add tugmaks/php-coin-core as a dependency of your project:

$ composer require tugmaks/php-coin-core php-http/guzzle6-adapter

Note: This client relies on HTTPlug to perform HTTP requests. So you will need to install a client implementation to use the this client. The command above uses the Guzzle 6 adapter, but you can use any implementation.


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Tugmaks\CoinCore\Client\ClientFactory;
use Tugmaks\CoinCore\Client\RpcClient;
use Tugmaks\CoinCore\Configuration;

$conf = new Configuration('', 9332, 'guest', 'guest');
$client = ClientFactory::create($conf);

$rpcClient = new RpcClient($conf->getUrlAndPort(), $client);

echo $rpcClient->getBalance();

Response from rpc

This library does not handle deserialization of response. Typical response (for getBalance) will look like:


You are free to use json_decode or any other advanced serializers to work with response.