Diamond is a web-based tool for information architects, which supports both tree testing and card sorting. It is implemented using Angular as its frontend, Node.js as its server, and MongoDB as its database.
- Registration and login.
- Create, edit, and delete a study.
- Import an information hierarchy (for tree testing) or set of cards (for card sorting) as CSV.
- Launch and stop a study.
- Perform a study.
- View and analyse study results.
- Export study results as CSV.
GitHub account, at github.com.
MongoDB database host (v4 or higher), say at MongoDB Atlas https://mongodb.com/atlas/.
NodeJS web host (v16), say at Render render.com.
In order to run a tree test or card sorting study, it is necessary to set up and self-host a Diamond server. The steps required are described here.
First, as noted above, it is necessary to have a provider (host) for both a MongoDB database and a NodeJS web application. We recommend using Render for hosting the Diamond web application. As a database provider, we recommend MongoDB Atlas. Both offer a free-tier plan and are more than sufficient to run studies with Diamond.
Follow the steps below to setup and deploy Diamond:
- Sign up to MongoDB Atlas at https://mongodb.com/atlas/.
- After signup, you will be redirected to the Atlas dashboard.
- Click
Build Database
to create a new MongoDB database. - Choose the
deployment option. - Select the cloud provider and region of your choice. Defaults are fine.
- Under
Addtional Settings
the MongoDB version can be selected. Again, defaults are fine. - Optionally, the cluster name can be changed.
- Click
Create Cluster
. This may take a while. - Next, specify a username and password. These credentials are used to connect to this database cluster. All users can be viewed and managed via
Security > Database Access
. - Next, go to
Security > Network Access
- Click
Allow access from anywhere
or specify0.0.0.0/0
as access list entry. - Click confirm to save the network access settings. This may take a while.
- Next, go to
Deployment > Database
- Here, you will find all created MongoDB clusters.
- Click the
button next to the newly created cluster. - A modal window will pop up. Choose
Connect to your application > Drivers
. - Copy and save the database connection string.
More detailed instructions on setting up a free-tier MongoDB cluster can be found at https://mongodb.com/docs/atlas/getting-started/.
Create a fork of the official Diamond GitHub repository https://github.com/tugraz-isds/diamond.
Sign up to Render using your GitHub account.
After signup, you will be redirected to Render's dashboard.
Next, connect your forked Diamond Github repository to your Render acount:
Choose tab
Link your own
Use the search bar to search for your forked Diamond Github repository.
More information can be found at [https://docs.cyclic.sh/how-to/add-private-repository] (https://docs.cyclic.sh/how-to/add-private-repository).
On the next screen, click
to specify the following build options:- Root Path:
- Output Path:
- Static Site:
- Runtime:
Node 16.16.0
(any Node 16 version is fine) - Branch:
- Root Path:
. -
Next, select your forked Diamond Github repository to approve and install Cyclic's Github app. The default permissions are fine.
Approve & Install
. -
Now, Cyclic will build, deploy, and run Diamond. Before Diamond can be used, however, it is first necessary to configure the environment variables.
Go to the dashboard and choose the tab
and specify the following environment variables:- ADMIN_USERNAME: User name of Diamond's admin user.
- ADMIN_PWD: Password of Diamond's admin user.
- MAX_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_SIZE: 6mb (limit of Cyclic).
- NPM_CONFIG_CACHE: /tmp/.npm
- DB_CONNECTION_URL: The database connection string to your MongoDB Atlas server (as copied and saved during MongoDB Atlas setup).
The admin user is only created if it does not already exist.
to save your environment variables. -
Next, chose the tab
. -
Choose the most recent deployment in the list, click
and then selectRedeploy
to redeploy Diamond with the latest environment variables. -
Setup is now finished.
Optionally, a custom subdomain can be set via the tab
. -
Use the button
Open App
to access Diamond. -
The URLs associated with the deployment can be found in the tab
Browser shows “Error: The application failed to start.”
Consult the Cyclic error logs in the tab
. -
If there is a database connection error:
- Check that the database connection string is correct and your MongoDB is active and running.
- MongoDB Atlas sometimes pauses the database cluster due to inactivity.
- Log in to MongoDB Atlas and manually activate your database cluster.
- Redeploy Diamond on Cyclic via the dashboard using the tab
and clickingDetails
on the latest deployment.
For developers who want to build Diamond from source code, a Developer Guide can be found in the README-dev.md file.
Diamond is an extension of an earlier system called TreeTest, which implemented web-based tree testing. Diamond added support for web-based card sorting.
The following people have contributed to Diamond:
Keith Andrews kandrews@iicm.edu
Project Leader -
Mathias Blum
(Seminar Project SS 2023). Rethinking Diamond: A Web Application for Tree Testing and Card Sorting. -
Mohamed Amine El Kaouakibi
(Bachelor's thesis 2023). Import and Export of Studies. -
David Egger, Ludwig Reinhardt, Stefan Schnutt, Sebastian Überreiter
(IAweb WS 2022 G3). Improving the Diamond Tree Testing Tool. -
Philipp Brandl, Tamara David, and Bernhard Kargl
(IAweb WS 2021 G1). Made Card Sorting accessible. -
Christopher Oser, Markus Ruplitsch, and Markus Stradner
(IAweb WS 2020 G3). Added support for Card Sorting. -
Ajdin Mehic. Original developer of TreeTest.
(Master's Thesis 2019). TreeTest: Online Tree Testing for Information Hierarchies.